
10 Nighttime Habits MAKING YOU FATTER_

These are 10 bad nighttime habits that may be making you fatter. It is possible to lose weight throughout the day and overnight while sleeping, but you have to avoid these terrible habits for weight loss.

FREE 6 Week Challenge:

#1 Habit: Dinner 0:31
#2 Habit: Social Media 1:54
#3 Habit: Not Knowing When To Sleep 2:53
#4 Habit: Drinking Wine/Alcoholic Beverages Too Often 3:37
#5 Habit: Choosing Bad Snacks 4:20
#6 Habit: Not Prioritizing Certain Food Groups & Macros 4:58
#7 Habit: Eating Food Too Fast 5:39
#8 Habit: Exercising Right Before Bed 6:11
#9 Habit: Eating Frozen Meals 6:42
#10 Habit: Stressing Out 7:14

​If you find yourself constantly struggling to eat the right foods at night or maybe you just simply want to stop overeating and ruining your diet plan every single night then applying the tips from this video will definitely help you out. I’m going over 10 real nighttime habits that are making you fatter. And You’re gonna want to Stick with me for the next couple minutes because by simply changing these habbits you can save yourself hundreds of calories per day, you can avoid​ late night binge eating, and you can ultimately burn more fat. For the first one let’s start with dinner, a really bad habit people have when prepping dinner is that they pick at their food and other snacks. This is a bad habit that’s easy to understand, If you’re really hungry and you can smell the aroma of delicious food cooking your gonna start grabbing random things and eating them. There’s two potential solutions for this problem. The first one is to only allow yourself to eat seated at the table. This can definitely help some of you but it does involve willpower so an even better solution would be to have meals prepped in advanced. I recommend you have three days worth of meals already prepped & ready to go so when you get hungry you can just grab your meal heat it up & eat this way you get rid of that hunger & prevent binge eating & picking. Aside from prepped meals fast cooking options like frozen veggies & instant rice can really help too. The best solutions are ones that limit the involvement of willpower. Studies suggest that willpower is a limited resource. Wrestling with your cravings & emotional eating tendencies. An example of wrestling with your cravings would be doing things like repeating im not hungry or im not gonna pick at food instead of just eating a satieting healthy meal & feeling full. An even bigger losing battle would be trying to overcome emotional eating at the effect level. Instead you would want to prevent emotional eating at the cause not the effect. One bad nighttime habit that causes emotional eating is staying up at night scouting through other peoples social media pages. When i say social media i mostly mean facebook & instagram & other platforms like that. If your up using a search engine trying to find ways to better your body or better your life thats completely different. Most peoples social media accounts like facebook & instagram are filled with superficial pictures that depict a fake perfect life. One study found that Facebook use was linked to both less moment-to-moment happiness & less life satisfaction. Staying up all night going through everyones perfect facebook life can trigger a round of emotional binge eating. Theres nothing wrong with using facebook as a way to connect with people, and there are obvioisly other triggers for emotional eating but by limiting late night social media consumption you can help prevent late night junk food consumption. Speaking of staying up late at night the next bad habit is just not knowing when to call it a night & go to sleep. Whether your just lying around mindlessly scrolling through netflix, playing video games, or twidling your thumbs your more likely to want to fix your boredom with food. Go to sleep. As with most rules there are exceptions to this. If youre one hundred percent focused on getting a project done then you wont be thinking about eating snacks every five seconds. But you also want to go to sleep because study after study shows a lack of sleep is associated with higher BMI levels & larger bellys. Not getting enough sleep leads to increased ghrelin levels, which is our hunger hormone, and decreased leptin levels, which is our satiety hormone. Try your best to get at least six to seven hours of sleep per day. The next bad night time habit you may have is drinking wine & other alcoholic beverages too often. Its one thing to have a glass of wine on weekends or one night per week but if youre kicking back a couple glasses every night youre in trouble. Not only is the wine filled with sugar & calories that will spike your insulin levels, but According to a report in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition, drinking alcohol causes people to eat an extra

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