About Us

WEIGHTLOSS PICS is a collaborating and independent informative blog discovery platform focused on weight loss stories worldwide.

WEIGHTLOSS PICS is an online picture and video aggregation website whose primary aim is to collate and organize current and popular weight loss stories that we believe are of interest to our readers and the public. The site is fully automated to display real-life weight loss testimony that can apply to anyone who desires to achieve the same result.

WEIGHTLOSS PICS is owned and managed by ExactNewz, which is a News website that displays breaking news headlines linking to news websites within Nigeria and all around the world.

Many thanks for checking out https://weightloss.exactnewz.com/, we post the latest weight loss progress pictures and videos of before and after from people all across the world. If you want to showcase your weight loss progress and tell the world your story, kindly send us your picture and story to be featured on our blog. If you have any questions or comments at all, please feel free to contact us.