3 Days After Girl Goes Missing Trick-Or-Treating, Mom Follows Neighbor’s Pitbull
Holding Back Tears
Caitlyn couldn’t stomach everything that was happening. She couldn’t hold back her tears or stay as composed as her husband was.
She watched Travis handle everything, from organizing the searches to reporting everything to the authorities.
He was also the one checking up on her every minute, assuring her everything would be okay. But Caitlyn couldn’t bring herself to believe his words.
When they first met, Travis had never been the opposite of this. Caitlyn had been the one to take care of things, from setting up dates to egging Travis to try new things.
He’d been a very introverted person who barely left the house.
He’d also had social anxiety, which made most public encounters between him and other people a nightmare for him. But all this changed when they settled down and had Alissa.
A Different Person
Caitlyn watched as her husband grew into a different man in the span of one night. Although he still had his old self somewhere within him, he’d morphed into a different being all because of his daughter.
He’d showed her that he was ready to protect and provide. But sometimes, she’d long felt like he’d let this idea go to his head.
The two had argued over this more than a few times, leading to the events of that night.
It all started with Caitlyn claiming that Travis was too protective a dad.
He rarely let Alissa go out alone, even if she was just playing on the front lawn.
Usually, he’d carry out a chair and plop it onto the green grass under the bright sun, taking his time to watch over Alissa as she played. While he saw this as being a protective dad, Caitlyn maintained it was too much.
A Needed Discussion
She’d brought the matter up on numerous occasions, stating that she felt like Travis was coddling their daughter too much. “You need to let her go and discover things by herself,” she said.
“You don’t need always to be there because one day we won’t be there. She’ll be doomed if she doesn’t know how to do things herself.”
But her husband wasn’t hearing any of it.