3 Days After Girl Goes Missing Trick-Or-Treating, Mom Follows Neighbor’s Pitbull
His Childhood
Unlike Caitlyn, Travis had grown up on the dangerous side of town. Although he’d managed to find a good-paying job that blessed him and his family with a comfortable life, he couldn’t dream of letting his guard down.
“I do it because I know what’s out there,” he’d once said. “The world is not as safe as you may think, honey.”
Their arguments usually ended in the same vein, with none of them agreeing to listen to the other. Then, one day, it all changed.
Her Point Of View
One day, Caitlyn brought the issue up again. She pleaded with Travis to hear her out. “I love Alissa more than anything,” she said. “This is why I need her to learn to do things by herself.”
She’d noted that her daughter would run to Travis whenever she hit a minor snag.
She expected him to argue with her, but seemingly tired of the back and forth, he just nodded and walked away. If only he knew how this would end.
A Father-Daughter Duo
Every year since Alissa was born, Travis would accompany her as she went trick-or-treating. At first, Caitlyn found it adorable that he did this for their daughter.
As someone who rarely left the house, going out dressed as an elf high king or pirate with a daughter matching his costume was heartwarming.
However, after their discussion, it became clear that this Halloween tradition was coming to an end.
“She won’t be alone,” Caitlyn said as she prepared breakfast that morning. She’d just told Travis he wouldn’t be going out with Alissa to trick-or-treat.
She could see how much Travis was heartbroken by this. She was heartbroken, too. But to her, this was more than necessary.
She never knew it would lead to such a disaster.
He’s Worried
Caitlyn watched her daughter go out dressed as an adorable witch. She checked on Travis after every minute, seeing how on edge and worried he was.
“Everything will be fine,” she said. “She’s with her friends,” she added. But Travis couldn’t stop pacing.
It was as if he knew something terrible was going to happen to his sweet little girl.
She’s Not Home
When evening came, Alissa didn’t come back home. Caitlyn shriveled into herself. She could hear all the warnings her husband had thrown her way.
She could hear herself defending her theory that their neighborhood was safe. She expected him to be angry with her, to lord this over her head.
Instead, Travis did something else.
Steering The Search
Travis went into detective slash compassionate and supportive husband mode. He steered the search, all while assuring Caitlyn they’d get their daughter back.
She searched for any signs that he might be mad at her or blaming her for this but found nothing.
She should have been thankful. But all this did was make her feel even more terrible.
Frantic Barking
Panic and dread surged through Caitlyn’s veins. Max’s barking grew more frantic as he pawed at the ground, unearthing another piece of the torn costume.
Tears welled up in Caitlyn’s eyes as she realized that Max had led them to a grim discovery.
Alissa’s witch’s hat was lying on the ground. Caitlyn’s blood ran cold.