Weightloss Tips

What’s Really Making You Fat?

I wanted to educated you on some of the contributing factors that are making and keeping us fat. This will definitely open your eyes to what is happening to all of us every day and it is why I think we need to be properly educated about food, before we start to gain back the control of it.

The majority of Americans are developing addictions to food, and are left with only one option: Keep eating more and more until they eventually die.

Did you know that our food industry spends almost 30 billion dollars a year basically force feeding us to become fat? They’ll never admit it, but they are a contributing factor to the growing 65% obesity rate and they are doing everything in their power to keep that obesity level on the rise by keeping you consuming their junk food, sodas and sweets.

Think about it: If you are eating the foods that their devious marketing companies are promoting, you are making them richer by the purchase. And in turn, they’re not only making you fat, but also keeping you fat.

There is an enormous industry that is shaping today’s average nutritional blueprint, and your health and longevity is not one of their concerns.

The only way to protect yourself from falling into the trap is to understand what is actually happening. Not acknowledging it will only result in continued weight gain, poor health and a shorter life span.

The top food companies have spent years researching our biological addictions and are using extra fat, sugar and salt to manipulate and control us. They have become experts in knowing our brain pleasure sensors and have a huge ability to trick our taste buds into craving foods that contain unhealthy levels of sugar, fat and salt, and are extremely high in calories.

Food companies are using tactics like deep frying food, which minimizes the water content, which would normally make us feel satisfied and replaces the water with extra fat content that our brains have now become accustomed to wanting.

Another eye opening way they fool us is the creation of these new “bite size snacks”. The design was to make a bite size snack that will seem smaller, so you’ll have less guilt (in theory), but still continue to snack. However, it has been proven that because these smaller pieces are easier to swallow, we tend to eat them faster and more of them. Remember that it takes 20 minutes for our bodies to tell us were satisfied, and the food companies know what happens to us when we eat that fat, sugar, salt combination… we’ll keep eating until we’ve eaten the whole bag. And that’s exactly what they want us to do! We are making them rich because we’ve become addicted to the food they are supplying to us.

Our brains have become pre-programmed to want sugar, fat and salt and this is what the food companies prey on. They have spent billions of dollars in advertising to keep sending suggestions to tempt you with their commercials, billboards, and print ads. Food is literally everywhere we turn!

Junk food has become what is called multi-layered and multi-sensory. It is fully packed with all three of the worst ingredients: fat, sugar and salt, which are there to entertain your pallet when consumed. This means your taste buds are having a little party every time you eat this combination. You’re hitting all your cravings at the same time! Think of all the sweet and salty snacks that are out there now! The food companies know what they’re doing. Even the way it is packaged entices us way before we’ve even tasted it.

I’m sure you’ve never thought this, but why does a piece of chocolate cake look sooooo good to us? (Even if I see a picture in a magazine of a piece of chocolate cake, I start salivating). We have the ability to remember, from just looking at our favorite food, how good it tastes. The food companies have tapped into every one of our senses, and use it to their advantage. Not many people would turn down a freshly made cookie right out of the oven, would they? The smell alone would drive someone to eat one, then another, then another… makes you wonder doesn’t it?

We all have recognized that our eating habits have dramatically changed over time. Before the 20th century, most families cooked and consumed the majority of their meals at home. Slowly, more and more households are cooking much less, and eating out more often. This type of behavior opens the window to more processed foods in our diets.

Most people think that this transition is a direct result of our busier lifestyles, but let me assure you this unhealthy food choice was designed by our top major food corporations. We have all seen or read that cooking your own meals is actually cheaper than eating out or grabbing fast food, yet we’re still pulling up to fast food restaurants, now more than ever!

I wanted to educated you on some of the contributing factors that are making and keeping us fat. This will definitely open your eyes to what is happening to all of us every day and it is why I think we need to be properly educated about food, before we start to gain back the control of it.

The majority of Americans are developing addictions to food, and are left with only one option: Keep eating more and more until they eventually die.

Did you know that our food industry spends almost 30 billion dollars a year basically force feeding us to become fat? They’ll never admit it, but they are a contributing factor to the growing 65% obesity rate and they are doing everything in their power to keep that obesity level on the rise by keeping you consuming their junk food, sodas and sweets.

Think about it: If you are eating the foods that their devious marketing companies are promoting, you are making them richer by the purchase. And in turn, they’re not only making you fat, but also keeping you fat.

There is an enormous industry that is shaping today’s average nutritional blueprint, and your health and longevity is not one of their concerns.

The only way to protect yourself from falling into the trap is to understand what is actually happening. Not acknowledging it will only result in continued weight gain, poor health and a shorter life span.

The top food companies have spent years researching our biological addictions and are using extra fat, sugar and salt to manipulate and control us. They have become experts in knowing our brain pleasure sensors and have a huge ability to trick our taste buds into craving foods that contain unhealthy levels of sugar, fat and salt, and are extremely high in calories.

Food companies are using tactics like deep frying food, which minimizes the water content, which would normally make us feel satisfied and replaces the water with extra fat content that our brains have now become accustomed to wanting.

Another eye opening way they fool us is the creation of these new “bite size snacks”. The design was to make a bite size snack that will seem smaller, so you’ll have less guilt (in theory), but still continue to snack. However, it has been proven that because these smaller pieces are easier to swallow, we tend to eat them faster and more of them. Remember that it takes 20 minutes for our bodies to tell us were satisfied, and the food companies know what happens to us when we eat that fat, sugar, salt combination… we’ll keep eating until we’ve eaten the whole bag. And that’s exactly what they want us to do! We are making them rich because we’ve become addicted to the food they are supplying to us.

Our brains have become pre-programmed to want sugar, fat and salt and this is what the food companies prey on. They have spent billions of dollars in advertising to keep sending suggestions to tempt you with their commercials, billboards, and print ads. Food is literally everywhere we turn!

Junk food has become what is called multi-layered and multi-sensory. It is fully packed with all three of the worst ingredients: fat, sugar and salt, which are there to entertain your pallet when consumed. This means your taste buds are having a little party every time you eat this combination. You’re hitting all your cravings at the same time! Think of all the sweet and salty snacks that are out there now! The food companies know what they’re doing. Even the way it is packaged entices us way before we’ve even tasted it.

I’m sure you’ve never thought this, but why does a piece of chocolate cake look sooooo good to us? (Even if I see a picture in a magazine of a piece of chocolate cake, I start salivating). We have the ability to remember, from just looking at our favorite food, how good it tastes. The food companies have tapped into every one of our senses, and use it to their advantage. Not many people would turn down a freshly made cookie right out of the oven, would they? The smell alone would drive someone to eat one, then another, then another… makes you wonder doesn’t it?

We all have recognized that our eating habits have dramatically changed over time. Before the 20th century, most families cooked and consumed the majority of their meals at home. Slowly, more and more households are cooking much less, and eating out more often. This type of behavior opens the window to more processed foods in our diets.

Most people think that this transition is a direct result of our busier lifestyles, but let me assure you this unhealthy food choice was designed by our top major food corporations. We have all seen or read that cooking your own meals is actually cheaper than eating out or grabbing fast food, yet we’re still pulling up to fast food restaurants, now more than ever!….for more information regarding this and other weight loss factors, please visit www.hollysdiet.com.

Source by Victoria Brighton

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