Blind Lady Takes Kid Who Helped Her To Forest, Leaves Laughing
Confused Boy
He was confused when he saw they were heading to the forest. “Mrs, are you sure you know where we’re going?” he asked. She assured him he neededn’t worry and said, “I know where I am taking you, don’t you worry.”
When she laughed, the boy felt a shiver run up his spine. He clung to the lady’s hand out of fear, too scared to pull free and run away. Where was she leading him to?
Public Domain
Robert didn’t have the most straightforward past couple of months and had been dealing with many things other kids his age didn’t have to. But when he kept doing the right thing and pushing through despite his family’s problems, everyone was in awe of him.
Robert seemed far older than his seven years, but even with his sense of maturity, something would happen that day that he would never have expected.
A Peaceful Life
Furman University
Robert was a son to parents Anthony and Julia Bloom and was the youngest of three siblings. His parents had lived in Knoxville, Tennessee since they were born. They had lived a peaceful and joyful life up until now.
They soon realized how the real world isn’t always as lovely as you’d think. Something happened that completely changed the course of their childhood forever.