Couple Install Hidden Camera, Realize Why Dog Was Acting Strange Around Nanny
Caesar’s Way
Bree kept thinking about Missy’s strange behavior that morning while she was at the office. It baffled her because Missy had never previously displayed such erratic behavior. Kelly hadn’t exactly been a stranger; after all, she had been caring for the child for a number of weeks. She was growling at the caregiver and refused to leave the nursery, so why was she doing that?
She was filled with anxiousness. She told her husband about the interaction when she finally got home, and he thought it was unusual, too. Regarding this, something has to be done. The couple talked about taking Missy back to the rescue because they were concerned for their daughter’s safety.
YouTube/Raymond C. Vigil
Anthony promised his wife that he would monitor the issue before making any hasty choices. He also became aware of Missy’s aggressiveness in the ensuing weeks, but something finally dawned on him.
Only when Kelly was there, particularly when she was interacting with the baby, would Missy grumble. Bree and he both agreed that something was fishy after he told her this information. They made the decision to put a concealed camera in the nursery at that time. They had no clue what was about to be captured on camera.
Discovering The Truth
They waited until the weekend before checking the footage. It was early in the morning, and Mikaela was still asleep. Bree sat next to her husband as he opened the recording on his tablet. They took a deep breath before he finally clicked on the video.
At first, everything seemed normal. It was right after they had left the house, and Kelly was feeding the baby. Just a few minutes after they had left, she placed Mikaela back in her crib and made her way to the couch in the nursery. She took a seat and immediately started scrolling on her phone, but what happened next made their blood boil.
She Was Yelling
Veterinarian Xiaoming Sohu
Mikaela had started crying. Bree expected to see Kelly rush to the crib and comfort the crying baby, but instead, she continued scrolling on her phone. When the crying got louder, Bree watched in disbelief as Kelly started yelling for the baby to keep quiet.
At this point, Mikaela was screaming at the top of her lungs. This set Kelly off as she got up from the couch and rushed over to the crib, yelling at the baby instead of comforting her. Anthony and Bree watched with wide eyes as the dog jumped up, barking and growling at Kelly as she kept screaming at the baby. Bree’s heart ached as she watched the footage. Her baby needed comfort, but the nanny was screaming and using vulgar language.
They Knew What They Had To Do
YouTube/Raymond C. Vigil
Anthony paused the video and turned to comfort his emotional wife as tears welled up in her eyes. All along, Missy had been trying to protect their baby. She wasn’t leaving her side, scared that Kelly would harm the baby. The two concerned parents knew what they had to do.
They couldn’t let Kelly get away with this. All this time, they had trusted her to look after their baby while they were away at work. She couldn’t be trusted.
Confronting Her
YouTube/Agnes Fox
When Monday morning came around, they sat Kelly down and gave her a piece of their mind. Anthony told her about the recordings and watched as the color drained from her face.
She was horrified and embarrassed, and she couldn’t believe that she had been caught on camera. They asked her to leave their home and never return again. No one was allowed to treat their daughter that way. Just days after Kelly was fired, Missy was back to her calm, friendly self.
A Difficult Situation
The couple now faced a difficult situation. They were good people and didn’t like going on the offensive. But this woman had crossed so far beyond the line that they felt obligated to take action.
It was their baby, and no one messed with her without facing their wrath. But how would things turn out once the dust settled?
Doing What Was Best
After many discussions, Bree and Anthony decided to do only their best. They decided to press charges. They couldn’t let her get away with endangering their child. And an even bigger motivation was so that she couldn’t do this to someone else.
They didn’t want Kelly ever to be able to do this again. It was their obligation to stop her once and for all.
Pressing Charges
They decided that they were pressing charges. They drove down to the police station and filed a case against her. It could be a difficult battle, but they felt it was their responsibility now.
Kelly didn’t expect them to be so ruthless. But then again, she shouldn’t have crossed them in the first place.
A Difficult Battle
Just as the couple saw coming, the legal battle was a long and drawn-out one. They used the footage from their camera as court evidence and just hoped it would be enough.
They didn’t want to ruin the young woman’s life, but they wanted to make sure she would stop doing this to kids. But would things end the way they wanted?
They Won!
It cost them a small fortune, but after six months of difficulties, they finally did it. The judge found Kelly guilty and she was sentenced to two years in prison. They thought that was fair.
Two years was enough for her to get her head on straight. And they could feel good knowing she wasn’t endangering any more children.
Still Nanniless
Even though the couple was happy at their victory, it felt a little short-lived. They had done well by their daughter, but there was another matter they had to attend to. Their daughter still needed to be carefully watched while they weren’t at home.
They were scared of getting a new nanny because of their last experience, but they knew they had to try for their daughter’s sake. But they had no idea who the next nanny would be.
The Dust Settled
YouTube/Crushing Their 80’s – Nanny and the Moose
When the dust settled, Bree and Anthony decided to try once again. After weeks of searching, they found a woman named Betty. Betty was a retired pediatric nurse, and since the first time they had spoken to her, they knew that she was the perfect match for their daughter. To make things even better, Missy loved Betty!
They hired her soon after, and after months of taking care of Mikaela, Betty became part of the family. But the couple would learn their lesson and keep their nanny cams around. But they had no idea what dark secret Betty was also hiding.
A Great Nanny
YouTube – Crushing Their 80’s – Nanny and the Moose
Anthony and Bree were surprised at how amazing Betty was. She was a few years older than them and seemed like a very caring woman. But they had only known Betty for a few months and didn’t know much about her.
One day they’d find out something about Betty that would have them in tears. How could they have let this woman into their home?
Betty Tremblay
YouTube – Crushing Their 80’s – Nanny and the Moose
They didn’t know much about Betty Tremblay. When they interviewed her, she told them that she used to be a nurse in a pediatric hospital. She would care for the sick and injured children six days a week for 40 years.
Now in her retirement years, Betty still wanted to help children. She saw their ad and decided a nanny would do her some good. But the couple had no idea what her true motivations for taking care of her child were.
More Information
YouTube – Crushing Their 80’s – Nanny and the Moose
Throughout the few months, she’d been their nanny, more information about her life would slip out in small talk and casual chats in the brief moments when they came home from work before letting Betty go home.
She was chatty and told them that she was born in Quebec, Canada. She married a stockbroker, and they had a beautiful baby girl together. But she left out one key detail that would make the couple panic.
Everything Seemed Normal
YouTube – Crushing Their 80’s – Nanny and the Moose
The couple had no concerns about Betty whatsoever. She seemed like the perfect fit. She was great with Mikaela and even took the liberty to tidy up. It was unexpected, but she really did feel like family.
Betty had her own reasons for why she was so good to them. She just hoped they would never find out. Unfortunately, they did.
A Slip-Up
YouTube – Crushing Their 80’s – Nanny and the Moose
Even though the couple wasn’t concerned about their daughter, one Sunday night, they decided to watch their nanny cam. They expected to see Betty taking loving care of their child.
Instead, the couple would notice a small slip-up that would crumble Betty’s facade. One that would change everything.
The couple could hear Betty soothing their child; she was talking while cradling Mikaela. Bree and Anthony were smiling at their bundle of joy. But their smiles turned to looks of concern when Betty said something strange.
She said, “aren’t you just the cutest baby in the world, Sarah?” Alarm bells went off in their heads. Why would she call Mikaela Sarah? They needed answers straight from the source.
Confronting Betty
The couple decided that they had to be careful. They couldn’t have another incident like the one with Kelly. They had to address this before anything bad happened. They sat down one evening with Betty and started asking her.
But Betty’s reaction was one they didn’t expect. The older woman broke down in tears in front of them. What was the truth?
Her Own Daughter
YouTube – Crushing Their 80’s – Nanny and the Moose
Betty calmed herself down and explained why she had accidentally called Mikaela Sarah. It was because that was the name of her own beautiful daughter that she had 30 years ago. But it ran much deeper than that.
She told them the truth. Sarah went missing when she was only six, and never reunited with her. It was a sad truth that made the couple sympathize greatly.
Loving Her Like Her Very Own
YouTube – Crushing Their 80’s – Nanny and the Moose
Bree and Anthony decided to let Betty know that she could love Mikaela like her own daughter if it helped her mourn. The older woman felt like she had a purpose when she looked after Mikaela, and they didn’t want to ruin that.
With more understanding about why Betty cared so much about children, they kept her on for Mikaela’s entire childhood, and she became something of an aunt to her.
In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.