
Decades ago, I was deep in the throes of med school. Class was early in the morn…

Decades ago, I was deep in the throes of med school. Class was early in the morning, so I didn’t have much time for breakfast before I left my apartment but wanted to start my day with something that would sustain me. So, I would show up every day with a cup of coffee and a banana.

Caffeine was a mainstay to help everyone in my class get through long days of learning, and long nights of studying and memorizing. Sadly, none of us were very educated about nutrition.

I struggled with my digestion and my cycle for years, I had been given a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome and endometriosis early on. I didn’t feel well and it was getting worse. I was prescribed birth control pills and an antispasmodic medication to help “solve” these issues. All the meds did was make me feel very loopy. They didn’t solve anything.

After finishing my residency, I wanted to learn more about nutrition, so I dove in. I was introduced to many different schools of thought of healing and nutrition. I think I studied and experimented with most of them.

Today, I meet people and patients every day that have been indoctrinated into trendy diets like Fodmap, Paleo, Lectins, GAPS, Keto, low carb/low sugar, low oxalates Anti-candida, and on and on. Yet, many are still struggling and very sick.

If you’re waiting for the latest science and research to give you answers about your health condition, you will be waiting a long time.

Don’t get trapped into a belief system that may keep you from exploring a new idea or options that may feel opposite to what you have read, or the majority of people believe.

Be open, be curious and allow yourself to learn more. Answers do exist for the most difficult cases.

And, of course, if I can help, please contact my office to schedule an appointment.


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