Health Tips

Does Collagen in Coffee Break an Intermittent Fast?

What is Intermittent Fasting | What is Collagen | Benefits of Collagen | Collagen Supplements and Intermittent Fasting | Incorporating Collagen into Intermittent Fasting | Considerations for Intermittent Fasting with Collagen

Intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular over the past few years as a weight loss and health-promoting strategy. It involves restricting calorie intake during specific periods, such as eating only during an 8-hour window and fasting for the remaining 16 hours.

Meanwhile, collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is essential for the health of connective tissues such as joints, tendons, and skin. In this article, we will discuss what intermittent fasting is, what collagen is, and the benefits of collagen. We will also answer the question, “Does collagen in coffee break an intermittent fast?”

What is Intermittent Fasting?

An eating schedule called intermittent fasting alternates between times of fasting and eating. It focuses on the timing of meals rather than restricting particular food groups or calorie consumption. This diet plan has many variations, including the 16/8 technique, which calls for a 16-hour fast followed by an 8-hour interval for eating.

There are several benefits to intermittent fasting, including weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and reduced inflammation.

Does Collagen in Coffee Break an Intermittent Fast?

What is Collagen?

Collagen is crucial for maintaining the health of connective tissues like tendons, ligaments, cartilage, and skin. It also gives them shape and elasticity. Collagen can significantly enhance bone strength and improve gut health. It is the most abundant protein in the human body.

Collagen comprises glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids are necessary for the body to produce collagen. Their production declines as you age, and that’s how you get wrinkles, joint discomfort, and other aging symptoms.

Benefits of Collagen

The connective tissues such as skin, bones, cartilage, and tendons all naturally contain collagen protein in the human body. But as we age, the body’s capacity to make collagen declines, resulting in wrinkles, joint discomfort, and other aging symptoms.

There is an apparent reason why collagen supplements have grown in popularity in recent years.

1. Improved Skin Health

Collagen is essential for maintaining healthy skin, and taking a collagen supplement can help increase skin suppleness and moisture while minimizing wrinkles and fine lines.

2. Joint Health

Supplementing with collagen can help people with joint health feel less pain in their joints and have better mobility because collagen is crucial for the health of their joints.

3. Gut Health

Collagen can aid in gut lining repair, lower inflammation, and enhance digestion. Additionally, it encourages good gut bacteria to flourish, which is crucial for maintaining overall gut health.

4. Bone Strength

Collagen is an essential component of bones. One can take collagen supplements to improve bone strength and reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

5. Muscle Mass

Collagen supplementation can increase muscle mass and strength, enhancing physical function and mobility. This is greatly helpful for older adults.

6. Weight Loss

Supplemental collagen has been demonstrated to decrease hunger and heighten feelings of fullness, reducing calorie intake and weight loss.

7. Improved Heart Health

By enhancing artery health and lowering cholesterol levels, collagen peptides may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

8. Brain Health

Supplemental collagen may enhance brain health by lowering the likelihood of age-related cognitive decline.

Does Collagen In Coffee Break An Intermittent Fast

Collagen Supplements and Intermittent Fasting

Due to their many health advantages, such as better skin, joint, gut, and bone strength, collagen supplements have gained popularity in recent years. An intermittent fasting diet has also become a well-liked regime that helps people lose weight, improve their insulin sensitivity, and lower their chance of developing chronic illnesses.

The question of whether taking collagen supplements while engaging in intermittent fasting breaks the fast comes up. The answer is complex and depends on several variables.

Different collagen dietary supplements, such as collagen peptides, collagen powder, and bone broth, are available.  Collagen peptides and powder are the most popular forms and can be easily mixed with morning coffee or other beverages.

The impact of collagen supplements on insulin and blood sugar levels depends on the individual’s goals for intermittent fasting. If the primary goal is weight loss, consuming collagen supplements during the fasting period is unlikely to impact progress significantly. However, if the goal is to improve insulin sensitivity or reduce insulin resistance, consuming any food or beverage during fasting may affect these markers.

Some proponents of intermittent fasting recommend consuming only black coffee, water, or other zero-calorie beverages during the fasting period. Adding collagen supplements to coffee during the fasting period may not be in line with these recommendations. Although there is disagreement among experts as to whether collagen supplements break the fast, some think that a few calories from collagen are unlikely to have a significant effect on the fasted state.

Collagen and Intermittent Fasting: What You Need to Know

Whether consuming collagen in coffee during a fasting period breaks the fast is a common query regarding intermittent fasting. The kind of collagen supplement taken and the person’s intermittent fasting objectives will determine the complexity of the response to this question.

While eating or drinking, anything that has calories, including the collagen in coffee, breaks the fast. However, a scoop of peptides or collagen powder only contains a small number of calories—generally less than 50 calories—per serving. This number of calories is unlikely to substantially affect blood sugar or insulin levels, which are crucial markers of the fasting state.

If the goal of intermittent fasting is primarily weight loss, the collagen intake in coffee during the fasting period is unlikely to impact progress significantly. Taking it is a great way to reap its benefits. However, if the aim is to improve insulin sensitivity or reduce insulin resistance, consuming any food or beverage during the fasting period may impact these markers.

Does Collagen in Coffee Break an Intermittent Fast?

How to Incorporate Collagen into Intermittent Fasting

If you want to incorporate collagen into your intermittent fasting plan, there are several ways to do so that may not break the fasting state. Here are some tips on how to incorporate collagen into intermittent fasting:

1. Choose the Right Type of Collagen

Not all collagen supplements are created equal. Look for collagen peptides or powders that are unflavored and don’t have any extra sweeteners or sugars in them.

2. Consume Collagen During the Eating Window

To ensure that the fast is not broken, consume collagen during the eating window. You may accomplish this by adding collagen to a smoothie, another meal, or your daily coffee.

3. Use MCT Oil with Collagen

MCT oil is a fast-digesting type of fat widely used to increase the advantages of intermittent fasting. You might feel fuller for longer after drinking coffee with collagen and MCT oil, making it easier to stick to the eating window.

4. Consider Bone Broth

Bone broth is a nutrient-dense dish with a lot of collagen and other beneficial components. Bone strength, intestinal health, and joint health may all be improved by consuming bone broth during the meal window.

5. Be Mindful of Calorie Intake

Even though collagen supplements might not substantially affect insulin or blood sugar levels, eating too many calories while fasting can nonetheless end the fast. Pay attention to how many calories collagen supplements and other items you take while fasting contain.

Incorporating collagen into your intermittent fasting plan may provide additional health benefits. Still, it is important to do so in a way that does not break the fasted state or hinder progress toward your goals.

Considerations for Intermittent Fasting with Collagen

Fasting and eating are alternated during intermittent fasting, a common dieting strategy. The body fat is in a state of rest and restoration while fasting, which enables it to mend and rejuvenate. Several health advantages of intermittent fasting have been connected, including better insulin sensitivity, decreased inflammation, and weight loss. There are a few things to consider when adding collagen to an intermittent fasting regimen, though.

Collagen Supplements and Caloric Intake

Supplements containing collagen might have calories in them, breaking the fast. Usually, one scoop of collagen powder has 40–50 calories. Even though this might seem insignificant, it can add up, especially if you take in a lot of collagen during the day.

It’s crucial to pay attention to the calorie content of collagen supplements and the other foods and liquids ingested during the fasting window to prevent breaking the fast. Choose collagen peptides or unflavored collagen powder if you are watching your calorie intake because they don’t have any extra sugars or flavors.

Collagen Supplements and Insulin Levels

A hormone called insulin controls blood sugar levels. The body is in an anabolic state, storing energy for later use when insulin levels are high. Intermittent fasting promotes weight loss by lowering insulin levels, encouraging fat burning, and enhancing insulin sensitivity.

However, collagen’s effect on insulin levels is still up for discussion. While some studies indicate that collagen supplements may not impact insulin levels much, others raise the possibility that they may. More study is required to fully comprehend collagen’s effect on insulin levels.

Collagen Supplements and Nutrient Timing

The timing of when nutrients are ingested during the day is referred to as “nutritional timing.” It may be more advantageous to take collagen supplements during the eating window than during the fasting window.

Collagen Supplements and Joint Health

In connective tissues like tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, collagen—the most prevalent protein in the human body—is present. Collagen supplements are great for people who exercise frequently since they support healthy joints and lower inflammation.

Collagen Supplements and Gut Health

Gut health may benefit from collagen supplements as well. Glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline are three amino acids found in collagen that are crucial for maintaining intestinal health. Collagen supplementation might enhance gut barrier performance and lessen gut inflammation. Additionally, collagen supplements may benefit gut health throughout the meal window.


Good news! Improved skin, joint, and intestinal health are advantages of mixing collagen into your morning coffee. However, it’s crucial to consider how collagen may affect the fasting state when including it in an intermittent fasting plan. The fast may be broken by adding high-calorie additives like MCT oil or sweets, but adding collagen to black coffee is unlikely to do so. To ensure that you are getting the most out of the supplement, paying attention to when you consume collagen is crucial.

In the end, whether or not to include collagen in an intermittent fasting regimen depends on the preferences and goals of the individual. To find the ideal strategy for your particular needs, it is always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional if you are new to intermittent fasting or thinking about including collagen in your diet. You can include collagen in your intermittent fasting strategy to support your general health and wellness by being aware of your caloric intake, the time of collagen consumption, and the potential impact on the fasting state.

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