Health Tips

Does MCT Oil in Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting?

How does Intermittent Fasting Work | What is MCT Oil | Will MCT Oil in Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting | Advantages of MCT Oil

Intermittent fasting has become such a raging health trend that everybody and their brother do it these days. With intermittent fasting, one will alternate between fasting and eating window. In fasting, the body utilizes stored fat reserves to produce energy, helping with weight loss. It is considered safe to have lemon water, unsweetened tea, and coffee during fasting periods to keep yourself going. Let’s discuss the question – Does MCT Oil in Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting?

Many people concerned about their health add MCT oil to their coffee to keep them satiated during fasting periods. But the question arises does this oil break a fast? This article looks at what MCT oil is, its benefits, and whether it does or does not break a fast. Keep reading.

How does Intermittent Fasting Work?

Before we go into the details of MCT oil, we must understand how intermittent fasting works. Fasting is an ancient ritual that started because of religious and spiritual reasons. Only recently have people started doing it for its many health benefits. The best thing about intermittent fasting is that it suits most people, and many kinds of IF would benefit amateur and professional dieters.

There are a lot of free apps out there that you can use to keep track of your intermittent fasting goals. You can check here for a complete guide to intermittent fasting and how to implement an intermittent fasting plan.

As we mentioned, there are many schedules, permutations, and combinations of intermittent fasting. Some people like to take it easy with a 12/12 fast, where they fast for 12 hours and consume calories in the other 12 hours. Yet others, hardened fasters, go for extreme fasts like One Meal a Day (OMAD), 36-hour fasts, 60-hour fasts, and the Monk fast.

Here’s how intermittent fasting works. During normal times, your body utilizes glycogen from carbs to produce energy. When you fast for a certain number of hours, the glycogen stores get consumed, and your liver will start to produce ketones from the fat deposits in your body as an alternate energy source. This process is known as ketosis, the working principle of intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting has also been credited with weight loss, detoxification, cell repair, blood sugar control, mental clarity, and the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. However, consult a doctor before starting intermittent fasting because some health conditions are unsuitable.

Does MCT Oil in Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting?

What is MCT Oil?

MCT oil stands for medium-chain triglycerides. Medium chain triglycerides have a core composed of 6-12 carbon atoms, and they are metabolized differently from other fats and fatty acids. For people who follow a keto diet, this oil is a popular supplement. MCT oil is manufactured from a certain type of fat normally found in dairy products and oils like coconut and palm oil.

The MCT oil molecule is tinier than other fat molecules, and it enters the liver straight from the gut. From the liver, these molecules are utilized as an energy source when turned into ketones. This oil is pure fat and will not kick your body out of ketosis.

Some common MCT oils are caproic acid, caprylic acid, capric acid, and lauric acid. Out of these four, our bodies use caprylic and capric acids most efficiently. Tender coconuts are a great source of lauric acid, which you can use as an MCT. If you have a hankering for original ingredients, always choose oil that is organically manufactured.

Does MCT Oil in Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting?

The simple answer to this is YES. If you put MCT oil in your coffee and consume it during your fast, your fast will be broken. You should only have MCT in your coffee during your eating window to work around this issue. While unsweetened coffee has no caloric value, putting a tablespoon of this oil in it will add 14 grams of fat, translating to a calorie intake of 120 calories.

The best way to go about this is to have a cup of coffee with a tablespoon of MCT oil as your fast-breaking meal, preferably breakfast, and as your morning coffee. This way, you will adhere to the fast while still benefiting from the amazing properties of this oil and its satiating effects on the body.

Here is how you make MCT oil bulletproof coffee. Mix one cup of coffee, 1-2 tablespoons of MCT, and 1-2 tablespoons of grass-fed butter or ghee. Blend the ingredients in a blender for 30 seconds till the mix resembles a creamy latte, and enjoy an energizing and filling cup of coffee with an MCT oil break.

Does MCT Oil in Coffee Break Intermittent Fasting?

Advantages of Consuming MCT Oil

There are lots of benefits of MCT oil. Check them out here.

MCT Oil Extends the Fasting Window

Many people find it difficult to go through fasting without snacking. If you happen to be one of them, MCT oil can be a godsend. One tablespoon of this oil has 120 calories, and this caloric intake will keep you sated for quite a while. If you consume MCT supplements, you will experience less fatigue and hunger. If you are following a fat fast, where healthy fats are allowed in the fasting period, go for MCT oil in coffee.

MCT Oil aids in Weight Loss

Adopting MCT oil in your diet will help you reach your weight loss goals. During the fasting period, your body exhausts its glycogen stores and enters the stage of ketosis. In this fasted state, the body uses ketones produced by the liver to fuel itself for various activities. As MCT oil gets directly converted into ketones by the liver, it helps you in your journey to body fat loss.

If you are prone to having too much food in your eating period after fasting periods, MCT oils can help you curb this tendency. Some people report that consuming MCT at breakfast helps keep them satiated, thereby consuming less for lunch. MCT is a great thing to have in your corner when fighting obesity.

MCT Oil Improves Gut Health

MCT oil happens to be quite easy on your stomach. Unlike other long-chain triglycerides, MCT is immediately absorbed by the blood, and the liver processes it much faster. This oil digestion process releases ketones, which are used by the body for energy. Using MCT oil will make good bacteria grow in your gut, helping with weight loss. However, some people may experience stomach irritation and diarrhea from its consumption. To avoid this, start with small doses of MCT oil, like 1-2 teaspoons, and work your way up.

MCT Oil Improves Blood Sugar Levels

MCT oil can assist you in keeping the blood sugar levels in your body low. It can keep blood sugar levels at optimum levels and help reduce weight and girth. This oil can help improve insulin sensitivity and normalize your insulin levels. However, a doctor’s opinion is necessary before using an MCT oil supplement to manage insulin levels.

MCT Oil is Helpful for Overall Health

MCT oil has a palliative effect on many chronic diseases, including high cholesterol, inflammation, smoking-related issues, high body mass index, and high blood pressure. Research has shown that this oil, phytosterols, and flax seeds can help reduce total cholesterol. Hence, much MCT oil is great for the heart.


While MCT oil in coffee taken during fasting will technically break your fast, you can work around it. Use MCT in a cup of bulletproof coffee and have it as breakfast if you are fasting overnight. This will help you feel full and push back the eating window to lunch, thereby increasing the fasting window and helping you reap the benefits of fasting without feeling starved and exhausted.

MCT oil will contribute to your metabolic health because of its ketone production abilities. It will fuel your body with an energy boost and keep you going through long fasting hours with its positive impact on energy levels. Go for MCT oil in your cup of coffee to keep yourself energized and sated.

Need an APP on your Mobile to help with Fasting? See our Top 6 FREE and Premium Fasting Apps

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