Enigmatic Elderly Man Lives On Cruise Ship For Years, Cops Step In
Cruise Passenger
Wilson told Jill that, on the cruise ship, he felt like the Captain of his destiny. He had everything he needed, and being alone allowed him not to depend on or be tied to anyone or anything.
The explanation made sense to Jill. However, she was beginning to wonder if another factor was at play in his decision. It was a little personal, so she wondered how to bring it up.
His Loss
Chris Cruises
Jill wondered if Wilson perhaps felt connected to the cruise ship life in a more personal way. It was clear that he deeply missed his wife.
According to him, the pair had bonded over their cruise trips. Was it possible that Wilson clung to the seafaring life as a way of feeling connected to his wife?
Too Personal
Florida Atlantic University
Jill realized it would probably be too personal to ask about this. However, it was a sound theory, and she was content knowing that it was a possibility.
She had grown to really like the sweet old man and could tell that he was a warm person. Whatever his reasons, one thing was clear.
His Journey
Celebrity Crusies
Regardless of whether there was any more profound reason for Wilson’s choice to live on a cruise ship, it was clear that he was happy. After all, it was his choice, he paid for the privilege, and by all accounts, he never bothered anyone.
According to him, there were intangible reasons why he had stayed on the ship so long. These reasons were better explained in his words.
A Hidden Gem
Getty Images Plus
To Wilson, It was a sort of freedom that he wouldn’t be able to feel if he lived on land or in a nursing home. “Where else could I feel this secure and safe? Life on board couldn’t be better,” he told Jill.
By the end of the talk, Jill felt very happy and honored to have met such a fascinating person. She had come on board for a relaxing holiday but left with a gem of a story too.
In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.