Weightloss Pictures

F/26/5’5″ [214.4lbs > 200.6lbs = 13.8lbs] (2 months) I failed 75Hard because life became really hard

F/26/5’5″ [214.4lbs > 200.6lbs = 13.8lbs] (2 months) I failed 75Hard because life became really hard

This weightloss is due to having a severely stressful two months.

Actually I started 75Hard on April 1st but failed by the 4th. I haven't counted a calorie or tracked a workout since. Life did what life does best and threw me into a sandstorm of chaos.

Unfortunately I struggle with body dysmorphia and cannot see or feel a difference in my body. My brain is convinced the scale is broken. That's why I took photos today. I couldn't believe the number on the scale because I haven't weighed 200lbs since 2020 and it wasn't like I was trying. TBH until recently I averaged between 210 and 220.

I guess stress and busyness silenced my food noise.

Maybe I should tell my HCP about it. Maybe something is wrong with me. Maybe it's mental illness.

Anyway here's my alleged progress!

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