Weightloss Pictures

F/30/5’6” [220 lbs>165 lbs<195 lbs = 25 lbs] (3 years) from initial weight loss to body recomp/slight backslide

F/30/5’6” [220 lbs>165 lbs<195 lbs = 25 lbs] (3 years) from initial weight loss to body recomp/slight backslide

I was very hyperfocused at the beginning of my journey on being as small as possible. It was leading me to an unhealthy mindset, so I became much more into lifting weight and eating without rules. Unfortunately I feel like as I have continued to watch the scale creep back up, I am afraid of ending up right back where I started. I am trying to now be more conscious of the food I eat, and am attempting to add in some core/abs and cardio to my week rather than only lifting “big boy weights” as I call them lol. Even though I’m now only 25 pounds from where I began, I am reminding myself that I am stronger than I’ve ever been in my life.

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