Weightloss Pictures

F/31/5’5 [72kg-62kg=-10kg] 3 months

F/31/5’5 [72kg-62kg=-10kg] 3 months

In total I have actually lost more as I started at the beginning of February at 75kg, but the pic is the first time I was brave enough to take a progress picture. I’m still not where I want to be, but I’m well over halfway there!

I tried to maintain a deficit of around 825cals per day, to lose approx 0.75kg per week, and the math has been mathing pretty well, I’m a little ahead of schedule.

While I no longer identify as vegan, I do eat 100% plant based, and try to make sure a good amount of vegetables are included. Breakfast is almost always protein porridge, lunch soup or a sausage roll. Sometimes if I’m having a big dinner I will replace one of these meals with a protein shake.

Before February I was not active, I joined the gym and started doing 12/3/30 as well as a 15 minute ab video (YouTube) and also making sure to stretch, I try to do this at least 5/6 days a week, there have been weeks where I’ve done it 7 days but mostly 5/6.

I found getting an Apple Watch really motivating, I work hard to close my rings most days.

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