Weightloss Pictures

F/34/5ft [237lbs > 234lbs = 2lbs lost] | 1 month | Gym and calorie deficit. Am I recomping?

F/34/5ft [237lbs > 234lbs = 2lbs lost] | 1 month | Gym and calorie deficit. Am I recomping?

Hi all, real yo-yo dieter, first time trying to recomp. Am I doing it? The scales have been yo-yoing between the same 4lbs and I am not seeing a downward trend like I am used to seeing. Please someone tell me the scales will catch up? I have been lifting at the gym with progressive overload and aiming for a calorie deficit, which I achieve most days! If it's slow and steady but I build or even maintain muscle mass I will be happy. I am really enjoying lifting 🙂

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