Girl Suddenly Hates Dad, Teacher Plants Recording Device In Backpack
Her Guardian
She watched the students leave the school from the window of her classroom.
Another stormy evening was predicted by the darkening clouds above. Throughout the week, she watched her closely, worried about what she suspected was going on.
In hopes of being wrong, she squeezed the tiny device in her hand. Her discovery, however, would have her calling the authorities.
Unsavory Memory
It wasn’t the first time Mrs. Emily Bray had experienced such a nightmare as a teacher.
A shiver swept through her, prompted by the memory of the last time she saw him.
In the unsavory memory, blue and red lights blink while sirens blare as a man in cuffs curses everyone. As a result, she vowed never to let something like that happen again. Having made a promise, she wasn’t planning to break it.
Her Purpose
However, Emily’s life was not always so challenging.
She had grown up in California and moved to Washington to begin a new life.
With a music teaching degree in hand, she quickly found a high school where she could mentor and guide children who wished to pursue musical careers. Her expectations were that the road ahead would be easy, but they quickly found out it was not.
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When the girl walked into Emily’s classroom, she was in her seventh year of teaching.
Despite the fact that it had been five years since the first incident, the music teacher was vigilant.
At the age of fifteen, Alice was a freshman with a lifetime of opportunities before her. However, Emily was unable to shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong from the very start.
All So Familiar
Every little thing seemed familiar, from Alice sitting by herself during class and during breaks, to how far away her mind always seemed from where she was located.
Whenever Emily caught sight of her, her gaze would be fixed on an unseen horizon.
With his expertise in children and their behavior, the teacher was quick to recognize that the girl needed assistance.
Unique Case
As anyone in Emily’s position would do, she took a great deal of interest in Alice’s well-being.
Emily had seen students withdraw from class before; she knew that it was common, but she found Alice’s case to be exceptional.
Such cries were never ignored by her, and she would always make an effort to help. In Alice’s case, nothing made sense.
Music class was a quiet place for Alice. She seldom talked or laughed at her classmates’ jokes.
Walking in, sitting, listening, playing her instrument, or making a presentation was her usual routine. Following that, she would remain silent.
Emily assumed this was part of her nature. She might not have been drawn to music. She decided to ask her fellow instructors how Alice was doing in the other classes. She hoped that she was right and that Alice was having a better time than in the other classes.
It was heartbreaking to hear the reports Emily received.
She was frequently lost in her thoughts, staring out of the window for longer than usual, according to most of her teachers.
It was such a shame since most of them thought she was a gifted student. Some imagined that whatever was going on in her home must have been so horrific that she would not even be able to call for help.
Don’t Rush Her
According to some teachers, Alice was closed off because of the new school environment.
They advised Emily to wait a while before approaching her.
In the face of reason, Emily delayed. However, a week after Alice’s arrival, she saw something outside the school grounds that caused her to abandon caution.
Suspicious Car
We were experiencing a rainy season, and the tarmac roads and parking lots were saturated with water.
There was a constant mass of swirling storm clouds high above the school compound, and the weather was cold and gray.
In the late afternoon downpour, Emily wondered what the red van was doing just outside the school compound. At first, she thought it was a student’s vehicle, but that didn’t make sense since it hadn’t been around earlier. Something is wrong
She’s Still In Class
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The bell for the final period rang, and students hurried out of class, each eager to rush home and shelter from the rain.
But in the corner of her eye, Emily caught Alice, who was still glued to her seat.
The girl kept looking outside the window, biting her nails as she mumbled things to herself. Her chest was moving up and down rapidly, her free hand trembling on the desk.
Analyzing The Matter
Emily turned to her fully, watching with a keenness she’d developed after the last incident.
Each teacher had blamed themselves for what occurred then, but none more than her. That boy, after all, had been one of the best in her class.
She considered walking to Alice to ask if she was okay but thought otherwise. Such matters were delicate and thus needed a sensitive hand while dealing with them. But despite her judgment, she still approached.