Homeowner Meltdowns So Bad They Actually Ruined Careers

The Fencing Fiasco

Homeowner Meltdowns So Bad They Actually Ruined Careers

Public Domain

There is an old saying that “good fences make good neighbors”. This is what David intended but his neighbor felt otherwise.

When David built a fence around his property, he thought he was improving his privacy and security. Unfortunately, he didn’t check the building rules and regulations about fences, and his fence ended up violating several codes and regulations.  

Apparently, somebody had complained, David wondered who it was that had a vengeance against him. It turned out to be his next-door neighbor. The old man had always said that his house was trespassing on his property. He showed them his old building plans from the 1940s which marked the boundary line.  

How could his neighbor of 30 years be so petty?  He had to tear down the fence and pay for a new one to be erected on his side. David thought it was silly and to show his old neighbor point, planted new Canadian Green grass which made his side of the yard look dry and unkempt. The old man never bothered David again but was seen peeping through the window. David thought he was probably watching to check if his sprinkler watered his side of the garden.

Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.   

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