Homeowner Meltdowns So Bad They Actually Ruined Careers

Animal Lovers Paradise

Homeowner Meltdowns So Bad They Actually Ruined Careers


Lisa-Anne and her husband Peter were freestanding homeowners who loved animals and had a whole menagerie of pets.

However, they didn’t take care of them properly, and the animals started to cause problems. They would escape and run wild in the neighborhood, causing damage and destruction. 

One day one of Peter’s older dogs escaped through the gate and got hit by a car. Luckily the dog was okay but Peter had to take responsibility for the third-party vehicle repairs. Although we love our pets, old animals can be a handful.

Lisa-Anne was fined for not keeping her animals under control, and the couple was sued by the neighbors for damages. Makes you think twice before turning your home into a zoo.

Tree Hugger Here

Homeowner Meltdowns So Bad They Actually Ruined Careers


Bridgette loved her trees and refused to cut them down, even though they were causing problems. 

The trees were blocking the sunlight and causing damage to the house and the neighbor’s property.

She failed to adhere to the neighbors’ request and it was already the Fall season. There was a huge freak storm that broke tree branches off and caused damage to both property roofs. 

Bridgette was fined by the HomeOwners Association for breaking the rules, and they were sued by the neighbors for damages.

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