I once heard a story on the radio of a woman who was surprised that she gained w…
I once heard a story on the radio of a woman who was surprised that she gained weight after eating 6 apples per day on her way to work.
She thought apples were healthy and thus, would help her lose weight. I swear I’m not making this up, I really heard this on the radio lol.
This is a perfect example of the importance of moderation.
Yes, food choices matter, and yes, apples are healthy.
However, how much you eat is at least equally, and even arguably more important for our overall health.
I’m not only talking about eating too much and gaining unnecessary bodyfat, but I am also talking about eating too little and starving to death.
To those that say that you shouldn’t eat ANY processed foods because they’re “bad” for you, you’re wrong.
You can eat some candy, a slice of pizza, or some dessert every once in a while and it won’t be harmful whatsoever if the rest of your diet is on point.
But most importantly, you can eat them because they’re tasty and you love them! That should be enough reason alone to enjoy them every once in a while.
On the other hand, people that think it’s ok to eat 100% junk food while “sticking to your macros,” are also probably wrong.
Although you can maintain your weight eating complete shit, it’s going to be harder to actually stick to your macro intake because junk food usually isn’t too satiating and it DOES make you crave more.
Furthermore, you’re going to be missing out on all the wonderful health benefits provided by whole unprocessed foods!
Moderation is key!
I had a freddys double steak burger after my workout yesterday *730 cals 52 protein* because my first 3 meals/snacks had me at 1000 cals and 150g protein already , and I am doing 2200 n 230gs. I honestly try and work a “junk” meal or a snack Into my macros every day to keep me sane.
I think context is key here, a little piece of a donut can spike sugar and for someone with insulin sensitivities it is harmful, also glucose levels have strong impact in energy and mood
The poison is always in the dose
Were they apples? Or apple pies from McDonald’s
F*** that! Moderation is for losers, I’m bulking! YOLO
I’ll be careful thanks for the advice Dr
You know persian stews are pretty healthy and have a good moderation of fat carbs and protein?
The poison is always in the dose
Absolutely agree! I believe most any foods are ok in moderation..living in extremes of dietary dogma is never helpful.
Throw in consistency and you are on your way to success. Very informative post.
“Everything in moderation, including moderation”
Great post!
I have lost about 100 pounds over the past year. This mindset you outline is honestly still something I struggle with, but you’re absolutely right, and I’ve found it’s actually much easier to maintain a healthy weight through occasional “treats” and eating filling, unprocessed foods rather than black and white, dichotomous thinking.
Very true
A life of restriction, is not a life worth living lol
Honestly I’m just impressed with eating 6 apples in a meal
So apples are poison, and all fruit is bad for you. Got it. (Kidding!)
I definetly eat more then 6 apples per day from the garden on apple season. You might have solved my problem
Is three days work-out better than every day ones?