Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack


She initially thought the notebook harmless and hated going through her son’s things, but the woman looked further when she saw the inscriptions.

What she found inside were thoughts she never thought of her teenage son having, which gave her an unsettling feeling. She had to do something.

Doing It Alone

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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Mary Schubert was the mother of her son Aiden. His father had left when he was a toddler leaving his mother to raise him alone, and they were both significantly impacted by his absence.

She often struggled to take care of the family and found herself struggling to make ends meet.

Who To Look Up To

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack


Aiden grew up without a father figure and only had his mother to look up to. As he grew older, it became maddening.

He often felt left out when he overheard his friends talk about their dads and tended to act out because of it, even though he never blamed his mom for it. His mom never thought that there would be more significant troubles to come.

Troublesome Kid

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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Aiden had made for a difficult child, and Mary struggled to keep him in line, especially with how busy she was.

She often had to leave Aiden with the neighbors, spending even less time with him because she had taken up two jobs.

Skipping Class

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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Aiden acted out more as a teenager by bunking classes; his mother often got called to go the school.

She attempted to discipline him, but he ran away to a friend’s house when she limited his internet access. She worried that he wouldn’t return.

Blaming Her

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack


Aiden came back home but was still furious. Mary felt unsure about what to do next but was relieved he didn’t get into any more trouble and was back home.

He continued to act out and yell, blaming her for everything going wrong in his life.

Something Peculiar

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack


Alongside her busy job, Mary still cleaned around the house because Aiden refused to help.

One day she was cleaning her son’s room when she found something puzzling.

Hidden Notebook

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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The notebook Mary found on his desk wasn’t an unusual find, but something had made her take a better look.

She realized that offensive symbols were on the front cover and wondered what else was inside. She had never seen this notebook before and thought that her son might have been hiding it from her.

Breach Of Privacy

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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The mother realized she was holding her son’s journal that kept his most private thoughts.

She worried about the breach of privacy but was concerned about her son and what he was going through. It wasn’t an easy decision for her to make.

The Contents

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack


The mother knew something was wrong when she saw the symbols and decided to open the journal. The symbols on the cover worried her.

She looked inside as she sat on his bed; the contents made her cry. The thoughts that her son had were unbelievable.

What To Do Next

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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Mary stood on the couch with the diary in her hand for hours, crying, thinking about what to do next. This was her son, after all, but she couldn’t believe he wrote those things.

Inside the notebook, there were plans about an attack on a school. Aiden had written detailed steps about how to acquire gear and how to proceed. This broke his mother’s heart. She knew she had to do something. But what could she do? This was her only child.

Making The Call

Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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After hours of thinking, Mary finally decided to call the cops on her son. It was the hardest decision she had to make in her life. But deep in her heart, she knew it was the best thing to do.

It still hurt. This was her son, so it wasn’t easy. No parent would ever want to make this call. Mary took the phone and finally called the police saying she was worried about her son.


Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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When the cops arrived at the woman’s house and saw the journal, they immediately began the search for Aiden. They knew they had to do everything possible to prevent another school tragedy. There had been so many of those lately in America.

The cops found the boy at one of his friend’s places. They arrested him on the spot and took him in for questioning.


Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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After being confronted about the notebook, the teen is said to have claimed his notes were just a story. It was a joke. He wasn’t serious.

Mary had called the police just hours after making the discovery. Even though her first instinct was to protect her child, she knew her son would have been safer incarcerated than if he had followed through on the apparent plans in the journal.


Mom Turned Her Son In Over Fears Of Attack

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The woman later said, “If there’s a possibility to save even one person, one child, I think it’s worth it. Obviously, we can’t control our children’s actions all the time. Who can? But there are signs that you know something’s not right. I was in his room asking, ‘what are you doing, where are you going?’ all the time, and he hated it, but he’s alive, and everyone’s alive. And that’s all that matters.”

The teenager is said to not have had any issues with the law after being turned in by his mum and has since got a job and made plans to go to university.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

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