Newborn Cries No Matter What Mom Does Until Dad Feels Something Else In Crib
They Needed Help
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It couldn’t continue in this way and Marion decided to make arrangements.
Bill shouldn’t be getting up at all hours of the night to soothe the baby and then go to work.
She needed a solution and someone else that could help her. She called the only person she knew who would drop everything for them.
Mother-In-Law To The Rescue
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Marion’s mother-in-law, Helen, arrived at their house the next day.
She immediately noticed how exhausted Marion and Bill were and took over the care of the baby.
Helen had a way with babies and knew just what to do to soothe them. Reece seemed to calm down almost instantly in her arms. Marion and Bill were relieved and grateful for the help.
More Of The Same
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But that night as Marion and Bill settled into bed, Reece let out a torrent of cries and screams.
It was uncontrollable and Marion jumped up to console him.
As she opened the door to the nursery, Helen was already there. She told her to go back to bed because “she knew what to do to get him to sleep soundly”. Marion was only grateful to be going back to bed to get much-needed rest.
Blissful Mornings
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When she woke up the next morning, Helen had already dressed and fed Reece.
She was so thankful and didn’t realize that she had slept in.
Helen didn’t mind, she was there to help and Marion and Bill needed all the rest they could get while she was there. But the sleepless nights would not end.
The Crying Continues
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That night it was the same issue. Reece had woken up the whole house with his crying.
Marion dragged herself out of bed, too tired to even switch on the lights.
As before, Helen was already trying to lull baby Reece to sleep and Marion looked on as Helen rocked the baby to and fro. This time, she was beginning to think that something was wrong with her baby.
A Check Up
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The next morning she asked Helen to accompany her to take Reece to the pediatrician.
Everything else had to be ruled out before they could be certain that he was teething.
Reece was examined but was given a clean bill of health. But the pediatrician did say it could just be colic. It’s perfectly normal and it’s just what babies go through. But Marion was not convinced.
Something Was Wrong
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She had a strange feeling that something was wrong. Reece was niggly but it seemed like something was bothering him.
She noticed that whenever he was in the crib, he would start to cry uncontrollably.
Was something wrong with the crib? It was new and she hadn’t noticed anything wrong with it before.
Something Was Found
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Marion notified Bill. He was surprised to hear about Marion’s suspicions but he decided to investigate.
He inspected the crib carefully, but he couldn’t find anything out of the ordinary.
Just when he was about to give up, he noticed something odd. There was a small, round stone hidden underneath the mattress, right where Reece’s head was.
Who Could’ve Put It There?
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Bill had no idea how it got there or who put it there, but he knew that it had to be removed immediately.
On closer inspection, they saw that it was actually a crystal and it was pink in color.
Could this crystal be causing Reece’s discomfort? Who could’ve put the crystal in his crib?
No Clue Where It Came From
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Bill turned to Marion, but she was just as stumped as he was. But then Bill thought back to something.
The crystal kind of looked familiar but he could quite place where he had seen it before.
They sat in the nursery mystified by the crystal. None of them had put it there. But then it finally hit Bill. He knew where he had seen it before.