Newborn Cries No Matter What Mom Does Until Dad Feels Something Else In Crib
What Had She Done?
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Bill marched downstairs to the kitchen, with Marion following him close behind. Helen was feeding Reece some snacks when Bill gently placed the crystal on the kitchen counter.
“Why would you put this in his crib without consulting with us, Mom?” was all Bill said.
Helen only shrugged and swore that the rose quartz crystal was to soothe the baby from his endless crying. “It was an ancient tradition, I even used it on you,” Helen said. Although, Bill and Marion were not impressed with her.
She Meant Well
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Marion and Bill didn’t want Helen bringing strange objects into their house without their knowledge, especially if it was interfering with their baby.
They were spooked but Marion understood now when Helen said she knew how to take care of the crying.
Deep down they knew she only meant well and was also trying to help them.
All Was Forgiven
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Helen apologized profusely. She had no idea that she had placed the crystal in such an awkward spot that it was inadvertently hurting poor Reece.
Bill and Marion forgave her and asked her to please first ask them before she does anything for Reece. She wholeheartedly agreed and from then on, Reece slept soundly in his crib, apart from being a little niggly now and then.
Disclaimer: In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.