Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note


Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note

ABC 7 News

Little did Eddy know, the boy at the table with his mother was extremely conflicted. He’d recognized the cop instantly and knew he was the one who had contributed to his single mother’s financial hardships.

At just nine years old, he wanted to approach the police officer and confront him about all his mother’s parking tickets. He’d watched his mom struggle, and this cop had only made things worse for them.


Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note


Heather Jennings was a single mother with two kids, and life had not been good for her so far. Just a few days ago,  she’d received the tragic news about the untimely passing of her own father. 

While it was hard enough to organize the funeral amid the grief and attend the funeral ceremony, things got even worse when a cop gave her a parking ticket on her way out the cemetery.  


Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note

Facebook – Sarah Cummings

For Heather, the timing of that fateful parking ticket couldn’t have been worse. She didn’t have the money to pay it, so she called the authorities and tried to get it thrown out in court. However, things took an ironic turn when she got another parking ticket when she was leaving the courthouse. And things only got worse from there.

From Bad To Worse

Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note

Arizona Daily Star

Although Heather thought things couldn’t get worse for her that day, they did. When she got home from the courthouse, her landlord was waiting for her. When the landlord informed her that he was evicting her and her children, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. 

Heather had tried to rectify her housing issue in court as well, but all she’d come home with was another parking ticket stuck to her car. 

The Whole World Was Against Her

Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note

ABC 7 News

Heather was trying to make ends meet, but it felt like the whole world was against her. She’d received three parking tickets in a row, had been in and out of court, and she’d also just lost her father. 

But the universe wasn’t done making life hard for Heather yet. The day after her father died, she found out that her son was sick.

15 Dollars

Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note

ABC7 News

Heather took her son Donald to the doctor and couldn’t believe what his treatment was going to cost her. 

After paying off her parking tickets, going into overdraft for her son’s medical bills, and scraping to secure a deposit for a new place to rent, the struggling mom only had 15 dollars to her name. At an all-time low, she decided to take that last 15 dollars and treat Donald to breakfast at Denny’s. 

The Source Of Her Misery

Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note

Willington Fruit Farm

As Heather sat in the booth at Denny’s with her son, she looked over and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Sitting there calmly eating breakfast was a major source of her misery – it was none other than the cop who had given her all those parking tickets. 

Ironically, Donald wanted to be a cop one day. But he recognized the man as the one who had caused his mom so much pain and knew he had to do something.

A Turn Of Events

Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note

Pexels – Wendy Wei

Eddy’s eyes narrowed as he watched the woman and the boy converse with the waitress, who’d handed them the receipt Eddy was sure was supposed to be his. 

He didn’t know what to make of the situation yet and thus sat back to assess everything before stepping in. Was the child in danger, or did the woman need some help he could offer? Eddy was deep in thought when he saw the boy approach him.

He Comes To His Table

Officer Wanted To Quit His Job, But Then Boy Hands Him A Note

Public Domain

As the boy’s mother looked on, the boy silently walked over, handed Eddy his receipt, and took a few steps back.

Eddy didn’t know what to make of the strange gesture at first but quickly realized that his bill had been paid for. But there was more. Across the receipt was a message written by the boy. Eddy’s lips parted as he read it.

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