
Pregnant Wife Surprises Husband At The Beach Only To Find Him With Someone Unexpected

A Sand Dune

Pregnant Wife Surprises Husband At The Beach Only To Find Him With Someone Unexpected


Erin peeked from behind a sand dune, her eyes widening in disbelief. The sight of Lexi, her cousin, laughing with Ryan sent her heart plummeting. It felt surreal to witness this unexpected interaction.

Ryan had always spoken about Lexi with disdain, highlighting their tumultuous relationship. Yet, there they were, sharing a moment that appeared far too friendly to be real. Erin couldn’t help but feel unsettled by the scene unfolding before her.

Confusion and betrayal washed over her. Why was Lexi, someone Ryan had consistently claimed to dislike, spending time with him at the beach? Surely, there had to be a reasonable explanation for this surprising encounter. Right?

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