Private Investigators Disclose Their Most Outrageous Cases
The Heavy Pup
I was once hired to find out why a client’s dog was overweight. In spite of the fact that I thought the job was a bit strange, I took it.
In order to learn more about the dog, I shadowed him the next day. In the course of its daily excursions outside, the dog got fed by virtually every stranger it encountered.
Next, an unknown person is found by a private investigator after a little digging.
Fake Name
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In order to verify the man’s identity, I hired a private investigator. Sadly, my dad, who we will call Henry, passed away when I was 15 years old. My mom and I have never really gotten along, which made this situation even worse.
Once I reached the age of 18, I moved out. In spite of my requests, she never handed me my birth certificate or any other important documents.
As a result, I contacted the state to get a birth certificate. Upon receiving it, I noticed under the father’s information a name: “Michael.” When I confronted my mother about this, she said she made up a name. My next step was to hire a private investigator to determine whether Michael was a real person.
Unfortunately, she turned out to be telling the truth-she just made up a name. There’s something wrong with my mom, but I’m not sure what it is.
We are going to discuss a case of mistaken identity in the next story.
The Wrong Sister
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It always brings back great memories when I hear about someone being followed by a private investigator for workers’ compensation.
During the trial, this P.I presented a pile of evidence proving that the wheelchair-bound woman was running errands.
As he shows all of his stuff in court…the defense calls the person’s TWIN SISTER who moved in to help her after her accident.
As it turned out, that was the person the P.I was stalking.
Here is another story about a couple without a family.
No Record Of Existence
Public Domain
Occasionally, I need a private investigator to track someone down because I’m an attorney. In one case, both the husband and wife passed away within a few months of each other from natural causes. In this case, they had a very small mortgage balance, which the bank did not want to foreclose on.
In order to see if the family would be able to pay it off, my office was retained. Despite my normal search, I was unable to locate any next of kin. Although the neighbors had been friends with the couple for 20 years, they knew nothing about what was going on.
Upon contacting our private investigator, he asked for a week to provide me with a report. Eventually, the private investigator calls to offer a discount on the bill since there was no report. As far as we know, this couple has never existed, they simply appeared in the 1980s.
The mortgage application is actually the first evidence of the couple’s existence. The couple here would have been in their 40s in the 1980s. After asking for a further explanation, the P.I. gave me a shocking reply. “This is definitely witness protection,” he told me.
The next story involves an unwitting private investigator who became involved in something sinister.