Screenshots Of People’s Nonesense Being Called Out
Don’t Believe Everything On The Internet
The prevalence of misleading news and altered photographs on the internet is no secret. Sad to say, some internet users thrive on circulating rumors in order to gain attention. Who knows? Perhaps they find a perverse thrill in making fun of other people.
To see someone exposed for their lies, though, is one of the most fulfilling experiences. We’ve gathered more than 40 fantastic examples of people submitting screenshots of them stopping a liar in their tracks.
A Fabricated Message
The fake Reddit snapshot seen here is completely insane. Why would someone need to fabricate a message from a fictitious slave who was allegedly working on a Bali banana plantation?
This person made an effort to convince others that they had discovered a banana at the supermarket with a somber note scrawled on its peel. However, a more astute Reddit member pointed out that the lettering was in brand-new ink, the banana peel was unblemished, and the sticker identified the bananas as being from Ecuador.
Internet Doctor
Searching for medical information online requires caution. You might endanger both yourself and other people if you don’t acquire your knowledge from a dependable and trustworthy source. Twitter should be avoided because anyone can put anything there.
Nebulized hydrogen peroxide was offered as a home treatment for the respiratory disease by one Twitter user. Thank heavens, a second courteous user quickly responded to put an end to this awful, deadly idea!
Not Going Anywhere
Reddit’s r/wellthatsucks forum is a treasure trove of missteps and terrible incidents that individuals experience on a daily basis. One user was astonished to board a plane only to discover that the window was separating! or so they said.
They had no idea that someone interested in aviation had seen their post and wanted to correct them. The fact that the aircraft was in storage was established by being able to locate its registration number.
Setting The Record Straight
Actors live their entire lives in the spotlight, whether they like it or not. As paparazzi photograph them and reporters track their every move, they are constantly under public scrutiny. Celebrities can now correct the record, though, owing to social media.
Chris O’Dowd, an Irish actor, got tired of people distorting his words and chose to respond to a tweet that claimed that he only wanted to perform Irish roles. He responded with, “Nope, didn’t say that.
They Got Schooled
Another amazing Reddit moment is shown here. There are no Arabic words for the ideas of feminism, secularism, or free speech, according to one user who decided to get political. As one user noted, it turned out that they were completely disseminating lies.
They were able to quote the precise Arabic words needed to define all three concepts because they were a fluent Arabic speaker. They then continued to ridicule them mercilessly, declaring that there were “no words” to adequately express the depths of their stupidity.
Alive And Well
Twitter is a popular place for celebrity death hoaxes. Every few months, a new hashtag will start trending in honor of a well-known actress, artist, or media celebrity. These people are typically shocked when they scroll through their timelines.
You can only imagine how perplexed The Fog director John Carpenter was when he discovered this Rotten Tomatoes post because these tweets are often posted by troll spammers or bot accounts. To let them know he was still alive, he promptly responded. Strange.
Brighter Smile And Skin
Facebook marketing may sometimes be really peculiar. These articles are frequently deceptive, as you can see if you’ve ever seen advertisements for bizarre things on websites like Wish. Advertisers would post anything to appeal to their target market by making their product seem appealing.
We, therefore, appreciate it when people upload screenshots to draw attention to dubious advertisements like one Facebook user did when she discovered something was amiss with this teeth-whitening advertisement. Their magic item also succeeded in lightening the client’s skin!
Be Careful
Always keep in mind that a digital paper trail of your online activities exists. As a result, if you prefer to publish rubbish and troll for likes, you’ll probably get exposed! When other individuals have records as proof, it gets even worse.
A Redditor who identified themselves only as “49” claimed to have just completed elementary school. A second commentator brought up the fact that the person had just lately identified themselves as a 29-year-old high school dropout. Man, pick a tale!
Amazon Fraud
Spammers and fraudsters who post bizarre things on Reddit frequently seek attention by doing so. It’s a bit depressing. If we had to give somebody trying to post a lie any advice, it would be to at least take convincing pictures! On their way home from a local college party, one Redditor said they were attacked.
However, they were humiliated when another user shared screenshots to show that the images had actually been lifted from an Amazon offering for slings.
Not On Purpose
Due to how simple it is to generate convincing photographs using editing tools like Photoshop, some of the pictures on the internet are completely bogus. A fabricated story, however, may be tied to some real images that are then spread.
People enjoy posting images of aesthetically attractive scenery on the r/accidentalwesanderson Reddit message board to resemble the locations of his films. The Copier store in Delhi, India, was actually a set piece from a drama with Pesaro, Italy, as its setting.
Fact Checked
Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, is a huge Twitter user. His frequent use of the app to respond to his critics has occasionally gotten him into trouble. Here, a journalist alleged that he had checked articles concerning his business in an effort to suppress the news.
In his reply, he explained that redactions had been made because the data was sensitive and contained secret US government information.
Not So Perfect Condition
Especially when accompanied by clever commentary, this picture of a pizza in the shape of Pacman is funny. The customer apparently wasn’t sure what was going on when a piece of their frozen pizza was removed until they noticed the packaging! What a ludicrous predicament.
The OP was exposed for lying for attention when a Reddit user remarked that they had purchased the exact same pizza, and it was in perfect condition. Additionally, the pizza cutter remained in the image.
A Picture Of Himself
The strange activities that take place in the shadowy areas of the internet are well known. Unusual content frequently appears on Reddit message boards. You can only imagine how astonished this man was to discover a picture of himself while scrolling through the app!
They had published a picture of him and his little son, which only added insult to injury. Thankfully, he had screenshots showing that the OP had stolen their identities. For internet weirdos, this is a low blow.
Not What It Seemed
Public Domain
A caption that has the ability to alter the meaning of a picture is known as an “anchorage” in the posh world of academic media studies. It’s safe to argue that this meme serves as the ideal illustration. The image’s caption implies that the park’s mess is the result of an environmental protest. Really hypocritical, no?
However, in these pictures, a perceptive internet user found that the picture was actually taken following a football tailgate party at the University of Georgia.
Check The Reviews Carefully
There’s nothing worse than discovering an unwanted item in your food at a restaurant. Yuck. That’s why it’s smart to check the Google reviews of a place before spending money to eat there. It’s important to remember that all is not always as it seems.
Online reviews can be easily falsified, as these screenshots show. Someone left a scathing review of one eatery, only for the business owner to respond, telling them that the establishment hadn’t even opened yet.
Don’t Mess With Musk
Here’s another iconic screenshot from none other than Elon Musk. His Twitter is an endless source of entertainment! He set the record straight and pointed out inaccuracies in a report by TIME. They tweeted an article about Musk supposedly firing his assistant after two weeks.
He retorted, “This is about as true as TIME being a paragon of great journalism. Please spend at least eight seconds checking your facts.” Ouch. What a burn! Don’t mess with the Musk.
Self-Made Woman
The youngest Kardashian Kylie Jenner is famous for her Instagram selfies and her impressive make-up empire. The 23-year-old is now a billionaire, and Forbes featured her on their front cover alongside the #SelfMadeWomen hashtag.
As Kylie was essentially born into wealth, it’s safe to say that people didn’t agree with the ‘self-made’ description! Whoever runs the Twitter account for deserves a medal for their sarcastic quote tweet, with the definition of ‘self-made!’ Bravo.
It’s Fake News
Social media admins and digital content writers don’t get enough credit! Whoever is in charge of the Merriam Webster account is a savage. This screenshot shows their snappy reply when one Twitter user claimed that the word ‘news’ is an acronym for ‘notable events, weather, and sports.’
This simply isn’t true! It’s a case of fake news. Rather than reply with a wordy definition of the term, they simply responded with the word, “No.” No more words were needed!
Star Trek Beef
Set phasers to burn! This Twitter exchange is straight fire. Star Trek actress Denise Crosby clearly takes no prisoners. She roasted executive producer Rick Berman after he tweeted claiming that Crosby had given him her communicator badge after her last day of shooting Skin of Evil.
This savage screenshot shows Denise setting the record straight, claiming that Berman’s version of events is different from reality. Apparently, he ceremoniously ripped off her Communicator badge, saying “you won’t be needing this anymore.”
Cultural Appropriation Check
Someone needs to remember to fact-check their tweets before posting. This Twitter user embarrassed themselves by popping off about the representation of Mexican characters in the Pixar film Coco. They claimed that the entire cast and crew were white people, profiting from Mexican stories.
Their calls of cultural appropriation were questioned by another user who informed them that their dad was the character art director for the film. And he was, in fact, a Mexican man. Apparently, Disney takes diversity seriously.
Don’t Believe Everything You Read
We’ve already established that you shouldn’t get your medical advice from the internet. These screenshots provide even more proof to back this up. A chiropractor clinic posted an infographic on Facebook, claiming that traditional doctors don’t have to complete as many hours of medical school as chiropractic doctors.
One commenter exposed the inaccuracies and lies of this statement. Just because it’s written in a fancy infographic doesn’t mean that it’s true. Don’t believe everything you read!
Angry Owner Gets Revenge
When you leave a bad review of a food outlet, you don’t expect the owner to clap back with a sarcastic response. But, that’s exactly what has happened here! These screenshots show one angry owner replying to a reviewer who stated that the restaurant had given him “soggy chips and average service.”
The owner accused the customer of having a tantrum, throwing his food down, and complaining even though he had waited in his car, causing his food to cool.
Wild Karen On The Subway
It’s safe to say that you encounter all kinds of weirdos on public transport. This tweet shows one particularly angry Karen accusing two “inconsiderate youths” of taking up the disabled seats and preventing an “elderly” woman from occupying them.
First of all, the woman in the photo doesn’t even look particularly old. Secondly, she could have politely asked them to move before publicly shaming them. And lastly, there appears to be an empty seat right behind her! She’s been exposed.
Called Out By Mom
Yikes. You know you’ve stooped to a new low when your own mother calls you out on your nonsense on social media. This person decided to brag on Facebook that their parents hadn’t bought their car. You can imagine their surprise when their phone vibrated to reveal their mom’s sassy comment.
She said that she had bought their first truck and paid for the insurance for a year! We can imagine the dinner table conversation was frosty that night.
Pop Off, Harry
Sometimes celebrities can’t help but take to social media to set the record straight and confront rumors. Former One Direction star Harry Styles is a global sensation, and the internet is full of tales of fans meeting him.
One man claimed on Twitter that he had run into the singer at a Tigers game, having been offered $100 to buy him drinks. The OP said he had taken the money and ran off! Harry shut down the rumor pretty quickly.
The Biggest Rip-Off
You can’t help but wonder what kind of weird person decides to leave negative reviews for businesses that haven’t even opened yet. Why would you want to damage the reputation of a business and affect the income of strangers? The internet is a sad place.
The owner of The Original Bierkeller pub in Cardiff, Wales decided to confront one rogue reviewer. These screenshots show his savage response to a fake customer who claimed the place was “the biggest rip-off.”
Another Attention Seeker On Reddit
These savage screenshots are hilarious. Reddit is full of people who make up stories for clout and attention, and this person is no exception. Searching for some entertainment, they decided to post on a thread asking for advice.
They claimed to be a teenager who had dropped out of school because their older boyfriend had influenced them. One Redditor exposed them by pointing out that their post history includes, ‘I got two girls pregnant. I’m 17 what do I do?”
Vine Star Exposed
Social media star Thomas Sanders got himself into an awkward spot with this tweet. He claimed that he had ordered something online to find a message on his receipt that said “pretty sure this is the Vine guy that does awesome impressions.” Little did he know that everyone could tell the story was fake.
One person posted the screenshots to Tumblr, pointing out that delivery instructions are included by the person placing the order. So, Sanders had made it up!
The Mystery Of Skull Mountain
This picture looks like something from the set of an Indiana Jones movie. That’s probably because it’s entirely photoshopped. One Facebook poster claimed that this image showed two giant skulls that appeared in a Mexican mountain range following a landslide.
The screenshots show another user exposing the truth. The picture is actually a piece of art that won a national award for digital enhancing techniques. If you fell for this, you’re probably pretty gullible. Don’t believe everything you see online!
Oh Deer
Facebook is full of fake photos and misleading captions. This picture appears to show a baby fawn lying next to a mannequin deer that had been used for target practice. It’s easy to see how some people fell for the original post, which claims that the fawn mistook the dummy for its mother.
However, it turns out that the original photographer found this hoax post. These screenshots show the real story — moments later, the fawn was reunited with its mom.
Wannabe Rhino Hunter
People will tell all kinds of fibs for attention. This Reddit user claimed to have hunted a northern white rhino while on a trip to Africa in 2006. Why someone would pretend to have hunted an endangered species, we have no idea!
But, another Redditor hopped onto the thread to dispel their lies. The animal expert explained that these rhinos have been protected on a nature reserve in Garamba national park for years. It turned out their anecdote was bogus.