Wife Jumps Into Action After Seeing Woman Sneaking Into Her Garage
Sneaking Woman
She noticed that the garage door was slightly open, but she could see the shine of her husband’s truck in the darkness. Something about this felt odd to her.
She pulled over and wondered why her husband had decided to park inside the garage when he hadn’t done that before. That was when she saw a woman in black sneaking by the truck.
A Family Neighborhood
Lind and Cliff had jobs that left them moving around a lot, and they decided to search for a family neighborhood in a small town in Iowa in which to start their own.
Linda wanted to find a safe town, seeing as they were nearly in their mid-thirties, but she had no clue what she involved herself in.
They Met While Young
Linda was in her early twenties, working towards her master’s in law, when she met Cliff, who was of similar age and had passed the bar to join navy SEAL training.
The couple had a romantic relationship filled with ups and downs that threatened to tear them apart, but it wasn’t long before they did what they never thought they’d do.
Cliff had proposed to Linda after being with her for seven years. They had both progressed in their careers – him, a full-fledged SEAL, having done multiple tours, and her, pursuing a Ph.D. in civil law.
They had spent most of their twenties and early thirties traveling for their jobs that were somewhat in sync. However, this synchronicity in their lives would dwindle.
The Perfect Home
Everything changed when they moved into their two-story house, situated in the Iowa town, with two garages and a driveway. Linda had been thrilled about the yard.
She saw the house and the neighborhood as the perfect place to start her family, but she soon began to doubt herself.
Linda and Cliff had often fought, sometimes splitting up before they were married but often mended the situation. However, there was one incident that stood out.
She had caught him with one of her friends, leading to an argument that nearly ended their relationship. It had been a long time since then, but Linda feared it would happen again.
Settling In
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Everything had gone smoothly when they moved. Linda had found a job as a lecturer at the local university, and Cliff enjoyed staying home for a few months before he returned to base.
Linda had long hours and spent much of her time away from home. She never knew what her husband was doing while she was away.
Left Work Early
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One day was different for Linda when she caught a horrible cough.
She decided to leave work early and went to the clinic to get herself prescribed medicine before she headed home. What she would face would only make her fight back.
A Sneaking Woman
She noticed that the garage door was slightly open, but she could see the shine of her husband’s truck in the darkness. Something about this felt odd to her.
She pulled over and wondered why her husband had decided to park inside the garage when he hadn’t done that before. That was when she saw a woman in black sneaking by the truck.
She Was Furious
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Linda was shocked and then grew furious when she recalled what Clifford had done years ago.
It hadn’t been easy for her to move on from it, but she had never forgotten. She steadied herself before making her way into the garage. She was going to do something about this.
A Forgiving Person
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Linda had always been a forgiving person. As much as she tried not to think the worst in this situation, her mind conjured her biggest nightmares to torment her.
But as she sneaked into the house, getting a better look at the woman, it quickly became apparent that she had misinterpreted everything. As she peered from a corner, one thought razed her mind: I’m in danger.
The Reality Of Things
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Linda slowly backed away from the corridor, leaving the house the way she came in. She’d thought the woman was looking for her husband when she realized she was terribly wrong.
The woman was a burglar armed to the teeth. Linda locked every external door, including the garage, through the house’s automated system and called Cliff.
Rushing Home
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Cliff had been away at a navy friend’s house when Linda called. Unknown to her, he’d been spending most of his days there to avoid the boredom of being home alone. He didn’t hesitate, jumping on the first cab home. Whoever chose to steal from his family had made a terrible mistake.
Cliff found Linda standing away from their house. He hugged her tightly, glad she was safe, before marching toward the towering house before them. But Linda did something that made him stop in his tracks.
Please Stay
Linda’s wrapped her fingers around her husband’s wrist tightly. She didn’t speak, but her gleaming eyes told him everything he needed to know: Please don’t go.
Cliff had been with Linda for over a decade, and he’d always seen that look whenever his platoon would get deployed. This time he would stay by her side.
The Right Way
Cliff remained back, calling the police instead of handling the situation independently. He was more than capable of dispatching whatever danger was lurking within his house, but the look in Linda’s eyes kept him rooted.
The police flooded the house in less than an hour, catching the thief who found herself locked in a place with nowhere to leave. They thanked Cliff and Linda for choosing the correct way to deal with the situation.
Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.