Woman Sees Herself In Movie, Then Starts Looking For Answers
Ryan Miyamoto – Small Package Films
“Sometimes you meet people and say, ‘Okay, we have the same eyes or the same nose, but everything else is different,’” Anais told People in an interview. “Here, everything was similar.”
And the more Anais studied the foreign actress’ features, the more she wanted to find out about her. She needed to know everything.
Adopted As Well
Samantha Futerman
Anais found out that Samantha was born in South Korea, and not long after her birth, she was adopted by an American family and taken to New Jersey.
When Anais discovered this, she was left feeling sick to her stomach. Samantha’s background and upbringing were exactly like hers. You see, Samantha’s birthday was November 19th, 1987 – just like Anais.
Was It A Setup?
Anais Bordier – Twitter
The more Kelsang and Anais found out about Samantha, the more she was left reeling. “It was almost like we were in a movie and being set up,” Kelsang revealed. “It was so bizarre.”
While things were strange for Anais, things were even stranger for Samantha when she started receiving a series of odd messages from complete strangers in France.
Getting In Touch
Anais knew she had to get in touch with Samantha, so she dropped her message on Facebook. As soon as she clicked send, Anais was wracked with nerves.
Meanwhile, halfway across the globe in Sunny LA, aspiring Hollywood actress Samantha received the fateful message that would change her life forever. But she didn’t want to reply just yet.