Worker Busts Open Rock, Realizes What He’s Done
Could It Be A Hoax?
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As word spread about the discovery, experts expressed their suspicions, claiming it had been a staged hoax.
Many scientists admitted they couldn’t come up with reasonable and concrete answers, questioning how the shell could have been preserved in such good condition and in an upright position. But this discovery was everything but a hoax.
The Mystery Of The Glyptodons
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According to researchers, more than 10,000 years ago, South America was full of Glyptodons. These mammals resembled a Volkswagen Beetle and weighed pretty much the same too.
But Jose, the farmer who was the first to discover the shell, still had questions.
Questions Finally Answered
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When hearing the claims that this discovery had been a hoax, scientific Professor Lister disagreed, claiming that “the shell looks like a genuine glyptodon shell.”
Feeling a sense of relief knowing it had been correctly identified, Jose still wondered why it was in his backyard. And how long had it been there for?
Ancient Origins
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Glyptodons were known to have originally evolved in South America, living on the continent for tens of millions of years.
Their remains have also been found in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. But there was still one thing that baffled scientists.
Recent Damage
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While examining the shell, scientists noticed that there was a different hole for where the head would go and vice versa for the tail.
Scientists claimed that the hole didn’t look like it was the cause of a fight, meaning there would be only one more cause… The possibility that this damage occurred recently.
This Shell Wasn’t Even That Big
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The giant fossil that was found on the farm was seemingly huge in size, measuring around 3 feet. However, palaeontologists have estimated that the shell belonged to a juvenile glyptodon.
Fully-mature members of the species can measure up to 11 feet!
He Still Can’t Believe It
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Still, to this day, Jose can’t believe what he unexpectedly came across when on a simple stroll in his backyard.
He’ll never be able to shake off that feeling of uncertainty and curiosity when he first saw the shell. It’ll be a moment that will forever be ingrained in his memory.
Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.