Boss Finds Note After Reducing Senior Worker’s Vacation Days
The New Hire
YouTube – People Are Strange
Malcolm sat on his workbench long after working hours were over that day. The new management was bringing in someone for him to train, which could only mean one thing. It was getting rid of him.
Malcolm’s hands formed fists, and fury burned within him. After all he and his fellow workmates had built, they were being hurled out of the company like they meant nothing. He walked back to his desk and sat down. What could he do now?
Pexels – Christina – Morillo
Throughout Malcolm’s stay in the company, he’d never butted heads with his superiors. And now, less than a year of new management, he was ready to walk into his new manager’s office and give him a piece of his mind.
But Malcolm breathed out the rage. There is always more than one way to skin a fish, he said to himself. A smile spread across his face. He knew what he needed to do.
Ten Weeks Of Vacation
Pexels – Kampus Production
Malcolm had accumulated ten weeks of vacation that year. The new management had agreed that any week past the fourth week would go unpaid. Malcolm didn’t care.
He showed up the following day with his vacation request but didn’t hand it in yet. He made sure the day he’d leave for vacation coincided with the day the new hire he was to train would come, then handed the request to his boss.
The Response
Pexels – Sora Shimazaki
Although his boss seemed infuriated, he couldn’t do anything about the vacation. Malcolm left immediately, knowing a wildfire was about to consume the company.
As he left, Malcolm called his old boss and explained everything. She informed him that she’d gotten several calls from other employees who’d been fired and was sorry that it’d happened. When Malcolm told her what he’d done, she proposed something that made his lips curl.
She Comes To Their Rescue
Pexels – Rodnae Productions
“Do you plan on going back?” Malcolm’s old boss asked, to which he said no. She told him that the new management would need the parts he used to create, or the company wouldn’t survive past the ten weeks he was on vacation.
“I will teach them a lesson,” Malcolm’s old boss said. She wished Malcolm a good vacation and asked him to call her when he felt like getting back to work.