Casino Refuses To Pay Woman $8 Million Jackpot, So She Takes Action
Red 32!
The next spin came, and the ball landed on Red 32. Jeff and Kimmy almost fell back. They watched as Royce received more than a hundred thousand dollars in chips.
But someone saw him as he took the money and came running. “We need to go now,” is the only thing he said as he turned the corner with his money. It was time to make a break for it.
Royce, Kimmy, and Jeff ran out of the casino and into the first taxi that came in sight, barely holding onto their chips. A woman rushed out of the establishment after them.
It turns out it was Royce’s boss enjoying her vacation. Seeing that he wanted to spend time with family, he didn’t want anything to ruin the moment. “Happy marriage,” he said as he handed over all his winnings to Jeff and Kimmy.
Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.