Weightloss Pictures

F/20/5’6” [143lbs > 125lbs = 18lbs] (7 months) Possible Facial Gains? – Facial Blindness Edition

F/20/5’6” [143lbs > 125lbs = 18lbs] (7 months) Possible Facial Gains? - Facial Blindness Edition

Over the first half of this year I have lost almost 20 lbs slowly and consistently [BMI 23.1 -> current BMI 19.9] (l have lost just a couple more pounds since the photos)

Despite the scale moving physically, I see essentially no change in how both my body and especially face look when I look in the mirror (This is not to say I am not happy with and proud of my progress).

I am looking for an outside perspective, as I have just returned this evening from a family reunion in which one family member that had not seen me in months commented that my face looks thinner and I look older, while another family member who has seen me recently and more often disagreed and said I look the exact same as always (leave it to family to openly discuss your looks).

I have a pretty terrible case of facial blindness (as well as a generally bad/biased perception of what I look like as most people do) so it's pretty difficult for me to agree with that statement even when viewing photos.

Thanks for any input! 🙂 This is out of curiosity rather than self criticism.

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