Weightloss Pictures

F/28/5’6” [220 lbs > 215 lbs = 5 lbs] 0.5 months | 2 weeks of consistently. Started keto 1 week ago and that set everything on fire 🔥 breastfeeding exclusively!

F/28/5’6” [220 lbs > 215 lbs = 5 lbs] 0.5 months | 2 weeks of consistently. Started keto 1 week ago and that set everything on fire 🔥 breastfeeding exclusively!

Been working out and eating healthier for 6 weeks. Wasn’t see much progress on the scale. (5 pounds in 5 weeks) so I took some progress pics.

I started keto 1 week ago. I am exclusively breastfeeding my 5 month old so I’ve been constantly taking in electrolytes to maintain milk supply/hydration. So thankfully not a lot of that is water weight but definitely some is! I’ve lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks and 5 of those pounds in the week I started keto.

My milk is way fattier now too which is neat! I didn’t realize how much I was eating until I started weighing and tracking everything. I keep my carbs below 30 everyday and walk about 5,000 steps a day with my little one.

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