Weightloss Pictures

F/46/5’4” [205>168= 37 lbs] (30 months)

F/46/5’4” [205>168= 37 lbs] (30 months)

Slow and steady wins the race for me. And well on my way to the goal of losing 50 pounds before I turn 50. Needed to deal with metabolic inflammation thanks to hidradenitis. Started off with cico and then started ditching processed foods. Realized dairy was a big issue for my skin and cut that out. Biggest changes happened after going WFPB vegan and almost doubled my loss rate without any calorie counting. Just all the fruits, veg, grains, nuts and legumes. It’s incredible. I now weigh less than my first drivers license weight. I try to hike regularly but have been mostly nutrition focused. Cheers to all you folks out there.

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