Homeowner Meltdowns So Bad They Actually Ruined Careers

Whose Party Is This?

Homeowner Meltdowns So Bad They Actually Ruined Careers


Samantha was a successful woman who was known for her legendary parties. But one night, things got out of hand. 

Somebody sent out an email invite to their work thread, and a whole lot of people from her work building showed up. The crowd grew so big that another Instagram Creator broadcasted live that there was a free house party happening on the block.

Before Samantha knew it, her house had turned into a college dormitory with crazy girls and guys drinking and tearing up the place. She didn’t even know any of these people and now it had cost her so much.

Her guests broke windows, vandalized property, and even started a fire in the backyard. The authorities had to step in and charge Samantha with criminal charges and property damage. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

The Pool Problem

Homeowner Meltdowns So Bad They Actually Ruined Careers


When popular Tom installed a swimming pool in his backyard, he didn’t think about the consequences it would have on the other residents. 

The pool quickly became a magnet for partygoers, noise, and trash, and his neighbors complained to the authorities.

Since it was private property, the authorities couldn’t do much else than give socialite Tom a fair warning. He tried to accommodate his neighbors in various ways by keeping the noise levels down.

Tom had to hire security, install noise barriers, and pay for a pool maintenance service to keep the peace. They didn’t seem happy until Tom invited them over for one of his famous pool parties, then all was well in the neighborhood once again. Goes to show, some people can still be bribed and bought to keep quiet.

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