Health Tips

How To Make A Baby Girl?

For those parents that dream of pink cloths, Velcro hair bows, and Disney princesses there is nothing more important than investigating how to make a baby girl. It is widely held that though there is not a proven way to guarantee the gender of your child, there are techniques, strategies, and tips that future parents can follow that may influence the pregnancy. As with any important aspect of your life, it is imperative that you be prepared to be proactive and make wise choices as a means to your desired end.

Before Getting Pregnant

First things first, the couple has to decide they are ready to conceive a child. It is of the utmost importance that you prepare not only your mind and body, but also your partner. It is at this point that many couples discuss how many children they want, what gender they would prefer, and if they are actually ready for this life-altering undertaking. This step is important for all couples – even those that are solely interested in discovering how to make a baby girl. Talking, sharing, and being honest are the best ways to begin your parenthood journey.

How to Make a Baby Girl

There are several methods that claim to determine the gender of babies. Factors that influence how to make a baby girl include fertilization in relation to the woman’s ovulation cycle, diet and exercise practices, sexual positions, pre- and post-orgasmic environments, as well as numerous other factors. Generally speaking, a woman has a greater chance of conceiving a baby girl if she has sex 2-4 days before and after ovulation, eats a diet rich in acidic foods, is physically fit prior to pregnancy, utilizes sexual positions that allow for shallow penetration, and avoids climaxing during intercourse.

Ultimately, it is the man’s sperm the will determine the baby’s gender. For those interested in learning how to make a baby girl, it is essential that the man avoid inadvertently decreasing his sperm count and that he abstains from masturbating. The man can keep a healthy sperm count by avoiding frequent exposure to high temperatures (hot tubs, saunas, etc.), wearing loose-fitting underwear, and following a diet that encourages sperm production. If the couple is having difficulty getting pregnant, the man should avoid masturbating between sexual interludes. This allows his sperm count to be at its highest when the couple tries to conceive. Doing this in combination with tracking the woman’s ovulation cycle can provide the best opportunity for impregnation.

Other Tips & Strategies

Another method that determines how to make a baby girl includes using non-Western advice. There are several cultures that have their own practices that tell couples how to make a baby girl; these societies swear by these tactics and as long as these strategies don’t include anything dangerous or harmful to your health, why not give them a try? Some of the most popular, that are also widely held as the most effective for determining how to make a baby girl, often are backed by current research.

Source by Jenny P Casidsid

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