Weightloss Pictures

M/23/5’11” [206lbs > 175lbs = 31lbs] Got tired of being out of shape and unhappy. Almost 3 months of hard work, a clean diet, and lots of sun! Officially 10 pounds from my goal weight of 165. 41 pounds seemed very daunting, but not anymore

M/23/5'11" [206lbs > 175lbs = 31lbs] Got tired of being out of shape and unhappy. Almost 3 months of hard work, a clean diet, and lots of sun! Officially 10 pounds from my goal weight of 165. 41 pounds seemed very daunting, but not anymore

M/23/5’11” [206lbs > 175lbs = 31lbs] Got tired of being out of shape and unhappy. Almost 3 months of hard work, a clean diet, and lots of sun! Officially 10 pounds from my goal weight of 165. 41 pounds seemed very daunting, but not anymore

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