Weightloss Pictures

M/26/5’7″ [60kg > 63.5kg = 3.5kg] (2 years) I started working out about 4 years ago (top picture is from 2 years into that) and have always “maingained”. Since I seem to have reached a plateau, is it wise to start bulking and cutting? Or is slow and steady progress the whey? (pun intended)

M/26/5’7″ [60kg > 63.5kg = 3.5kg] (2 years) I started working out about 4 years ago (top picture is from 2 years into that) and have always “maingained”. Since I seem to have reached a plateau, is it wise to start bulking and cutting? Or is slow and steady progress the whey? (pun intended)

M/26/5’7″ [60kg > 63.5kg = 3.5kg] (2 years) I started working out about 4 years ago (top picture is from 2 years into that) and have always “maingained”. Since I seem to have reached a plateau, is it wise to start bulking and cutting? Or is slow and steady progress the whey? (pun intended)

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