Weightloss Pictures

M/27/6’3” [317 > 217 = 100lbs] | 290 Days | Hard to imagine where I was a year ago

M/27/6’3” [317 > 217 = 100lbs] | 290 Days | Hard to imagine where I was a year ago

Last summer I had a physical after a couple years of seriously letting go of my health. Like so many others I gained ~40lbs during Covid, was drinking a lot more, generally eating terrible.

At that appt my Dr told me about Ozempic but I didn’t turn out being pre-diabetic. In researching GLP1 drugs after that I found out my insurance would cover Wegovy 100%. I started that October 21st and fully committed to tracking every calorie from day 1. I shot for a deficit of 1500 calories a day for a ~1% bodyweight loss per week and tapered that down to match my weight as I lost.

I had an ankle injury in December that kept me out of the gym for months. I used this time to quit alcohol completely for 3 months and lock in my diet completely.

Getting on HelloFresh back in November has been a game changer that has helped me completely overhaul my entire diet. Simplifying the meal planning process has been amazing and key to my success.

I fell back in love with cycling this spring and spent the last few months building up my fitness to a higher level than I’ve ever had. I rode two century rides (100miles) in July with a total of almost 700 miles for the month.

I’ve found the diet is a lot harder to maintain and manage while exercising so much and actually saw my loss slow down. It was harder to accurately judge how much I needed to eat while exercising such an extreme amount.

I’m not done yet, I plan on getting down into the 190s, maybe even try for the upper 180s. Then I’m going to focus this winter on building upper body mass I’ve never had while eating at maintenance. Might look at getting a personal trainer for a while.

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