Weightloss Pictures

M/35/5’11” [272lbs > 226lbs = 46lbs lost] (7 months) Almost down 200 pounds from 8 years ago, nearly 50 from when I last shaved

M/35/5’11” [272lbs > 226lbs = 46lbs lost] (7 months) Almost down 200 pounds from 8 years ago, nearly 50 from when I last shaved

So 8 years ago, I weighed my heaviest at 415lbs. I knew I needed a change. Since February, I don’t really know what I changed, but it’s worked. I didn’t realize it until I saw a video my wife took of me and my arms and legs looked so much skinnier in August. When I looked into it, I found that since the end of February, I’ve lost almost 50 pounds! I originally shaved my face to compare it to a picture from the last time I shaved to see my progress when I weighed roughly 310 pounds and had some job interviews. Since August, and getting down to 240, I’ve really been motivated to lose more.

I originally set out to get to 220, but once I got to 240 I changed that goal to 180. I had been at a plateau of 234 for the last month and just recently started a low carb diet. Less than a week and I’ve lost 8 pounds. Decided that I would shave again to see the progress and I cannot believe it! Now I’ll grow the beard back out and then shave again once I reach my new goal of 180. I’m almost there!

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