Madre Encuentra Cámara En EL Baños, Descubre Qué Le Pasó A Su Hija

La Hora De La Verdad

Madre Encuentra Cámara En EL Baños, Descubre Qué Le Pasó A Su Hija

Con las armas preparadas, pidieron a quien estaba dentro que abriera la puerta. El pomo de la puerta se agitó, pero no se abrió. Fue entonces cuando los policías se dieron cuenta de que la puerta estaba cerrada con llave.

Forzaron la puerta para abrirla, listos para entrar en acción, pero lo que encontraron los dejó completamente sin palabras. Se quedaron mirando a la persona que tenían delante.


Madre Encuentra Cámara En EL Baños, Descubre Qué Le Pasó A Su Hija

All Things Internet

it was Jessica; she was crying tears of happiness at finally being found. But what shocked the police was not only that she had been here all this time but that she also looked absolutely fine.

At the same time, however, it was obvious that she was being held against her will. Once the officers told Jessica her parents were outside, she ran out to embrace them. It was a tearful reunion.

That Night

Madre Encuentra Cámara En EL Baños, Descubre Qué Le Pasó A Su Hija

Public Domain

Jessica told them everything. Once she found the camera herself, she was livid and immediately confronted her friend for planting a hidden camera in her bathroom. She threatened him with the cops, and he freaked out.

Not wanting anything on his record, he did the unthinkable and locked her in one of his ensuite rooms, where she had remained for the past seven months.

Not Harmed

Madre Encuentra Cámara En EL Baños, Descubre Qué Le Pasó A Su Hija

All Things Internet

Luckily, Jessica was never harmed. She was fed and given a TV, but her phone was taken, so she had no way to contact the outside world.

She tearfully embraced her mom and dad and apologized for worrying them. Sarah felt like she was living in a twisted movie. This was the kind of thing you only heard about in books or Netflix documentaries.


Madre Encuentra Cámara En EL Baños, Descubre Qué Le Pasó A Su Hija

Public Domain

Nonetheless, she was overwhelmed with happiness to have her daughter back finally. But a few questions still pierced her mind. How did the police miss the camera in the bathroom?

And how did her friend’s parents not notice their son was hiding their daughter in their house? She needed answers, and she needed them now.

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