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Moms – Lose Weight by Losing Your Limiting-Belief-Systems

Moms – Lose Weight by Losing Your Limiting-Belief-Systems

Product Name: Moms – Lose Weight by Losing Your Limiting-Belief-Systems

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Me Before and After Creating the Blueprint

The story of my weight loss struggle is very personal, but I want to share it with you, because I want you to see that I am a normal, everyday, overcommitted mom just like you, and I’ve discovered the path to achieving an extraordinary weight loss goal.

I also know that since you are a busy mom like me your time is valuable, so I promise that by reading this letter you will discover that the same healthy lifestyle transformation I’ve experienced is absolutely possible for you too.

…A glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror.  I’d seen that image in my mirror day after day, night after night, for years – the unhealthy, flabby, ½ naked body of an exhausted mother whose body that had become so tired and weary from carrying around the extra weight all these years, that my shoulders seemed to slouch in defeat.

The elastic waist-band of my grey granny-panties was hidden underneath a fold of fat on my belly (you couldn’t even tell I had a belly button) and there were red marks across my hips where the elastic of the leg holes had been sitting too tightly for much too long.

I had stepped on the scale that morning – 258 lbs!!!  I think that’s what really upset me the most.  I had given birth to our son (our second child) 11 months earlier and topped out at “only” 250 lbs – when I was 9 months pregnant!

There was something so disheartening, so hopeless, so humiliating to weigh more AFTER having a baby than when you are pregnant with them. I was exhausted, overweight, frustrated and EXTREEMELY ashamed of my appearance and concerned about my health.  I had to find a way to change that.

Please don’t get me wrong, motherhood has been the absolute greatest joy and the biggest accomplishment (and challenge) of my entire life.  But that being said, motherhood CERTAINLY changes your priorities.  As mothers we tend to place “ourselves” to the side so that we can take care of our single greatest blessings – our children.  And while there is nothing wrong with that – it’s a part of what motherhood is (and something we will do for the next 18+ years) we sometimes lose sight of who “we” are, and need some guidance rediscovering that woman.

I have been overweight my whole life and I had tried just about everything to lose weight, but I always ended up right where I started, or sometimes even heavier!

I can remember crying myself to sleep that night – over something I’d seen a million times before, but I finally realized just how bad it had become. How was it possible that I had let myself go so badly?  I know the weight hadn’t snuck up on me overnight – so what happened!?  All I knew was this…I HAD to make a Change.  I HAD to make a CHOICE…Or I was Doomed to follow a family history of disease and possible death.

After having lost my dad at the age of 57 to a heart attack, and my mom suffering breast cancer at the age of 59, I KNEW that if I didn’t make myself and my health a priority now, my children would suffer from the lack of my own self-care later. YOU DON’T WANT TO SUFFER THE SAME FATE! If you have ANY family history of health related disease or death, you have an obligation to yourself and your children to take charge of your weight and health now, before it is too late!

Being a mom is tough work! It has been more rewarding and challenging than I could have ever imagined!  Motherhood is a balancing act – we transform from mother to spouse to chauffer to coach to chef to friend to co-worker, all in the blink of an eye.  It’s difficult enough to balance a healthy lifestyle with the demands of family life.  Try adding losing weight to the equation of motherhood and it can become extremely overwhelming and complicated – sometimes even daunting.

How do you keep yourself on track and still make meals that the rest of your family will eat?  How do you keep a positive mindset and stay focused on your goals when you have 5 million other things pulling you in all sorts of different directions?  How do you stay motivated when you’ve followed a plan to the “T”, but the scale isn’t moving?

It’s time to stop accepting your “condition” as “just the way it is”, and set your goals to become the absolute best that you can be, for both yourself and for your children!  When I set out to lose 113 lbs that number seemed absolutely impossible – especially since I had never successfully lost more than 25lbs. at a time.  But I learned first hand that there IS a better way!

With my busy life as a Mom, I understand how bewildering it can be to pick the right “plan”.  How do you know which plan is truly “doable” or “realistic”, or understands your needs?  I can assure you that as a stressed out, busy mom myself, I have created this Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint to reflect who you are as a woman, and as a mother – I have taken an approach to lifestyle transformation that incorporates your values, knows how you feel (emotionally and physically), understands the unpredictable demands that motherhood can place on you, and wraps all of those features into a plan that specifically caters to you as a mother – teaching you how to take care of losing the baby weight (regardless of how old your “babies” are) AND to take care of yourself.

Yep, I would be too.  You hear people making outrageous claims all the time about weight loss, and how “easy” it is.  Well, first of all, I am in no way saying this transformational process is “easy”, but it is absolutely achievable if you let me help you! For those who are skeptical about what I am saying, here’s the proof.

Me Before and After Creating the Blueprint

I have attached some copies of my “before” and “after” pictures – nothing has been touched up – it’s just me.  These aren’t even pictures of me at my heaviest (I wish I had some, but I didn’t want ANYONE to take a picture of me) – but I think you’ll get the idea of the huge metamorphosis that took place.

As a Guest Speaker for Bill Phillips, Author of Body For Life

I’ve have also been featured on-stage as a guest of Bill Phillips, the world-renowned fitness expert and best-selling author of Body for Life.  Bill and I discussed my success at lifestyle transformation with a crowd of just under 1000 people.  It was after this amazing experience that I realized I had an important message that I needed to share with other mothers.

Imagine being able to fit into a pair of skinny jeans, playing with your kids without becoming exhausted, having your husband or significant other give you that “special” wink, or just looking in the mirror in the morning and actually being happy with who is looking back at you?

I don’t mean to sound as though losing weight, being fit, being happy and feeling sexy are everything in the world, BUT you know that you owe it to yourself to take full advantage of the life you’ve got (this isn’t a dress rehearsal!) and give yourself and your family the very best life has to offer!

Imagine yourself being finally satisfied, and proud of the fact that you have succeeded in attaining and maintaining a sexy, healthy, strong body and mind.

Have you let yourself down in the past?  Are you afraid to try yet another weight loss program for fear of letting yourself down again?  Do you ever doubt you’ll be able to achieve lasting weight loss success?  STOP DOUBTING YOURSELF NOW!  I have been discouraged in the past too, trying to figure out what allowed other mothers to achieve weight loss success and happiness – while I found myself struggling to figure it out.  I had let myself down so many times in my many attempts to lose weight in the past, but I knew that if other mothers could do it, so could I. I was determined to figure out what was keeping me from succeeding, and finally lose the weight for good.

After talking to mother after mother, who were all enduring the same struggles I was, I FINALLY figured out the common threads that were holding us all back!  The difference was that the moms who were successful in achieving their weight loss goals had learned to recognize that weight loss success didn’t come from depriving or limiting themselves.  Their success came from MULTIPLE layers of ADDED physical, mental, emotional and spiritual awareness.  In addition to incorporating a metabolism boosting, fat burning diet with a fun and easy exercise plan, their greatest success was realized once they learned to shed their excess “LBS”.  Their own “Limiting-Belief-Systems”.

They then added in the right success tools, like a metabolism boosting thermogenic diet, emotional eating journaling tools, and a simple self-esteem boosting workout, and they were able to unlock their true weight loss potential, achieving exceptional results in their lives.

I know the exact steps to creating this “Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint”.

Blueprints are multi-dimensional – where pieces are built upon each other. Through countless hours of research, intensive self-study and amazing weight loss success, I have discovered and documented THE ultimate source for creating a powerful mindset, and the top metabolic strategies for weight loss success… a Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint that YOU CAN LEARN and MASTER!

As mothers, we all share the same mental potential. We share the same neurology (brain make-up) and we face many similar issues and challenges in our everyday lives (balancing finances, strengthening relationships, changing dirty diapers, chasing unruly children, feeling unappreciated, exhausting work, time consuming grocery shopping, never ending loads of laundry, and the list goes on, and on, and on…).  So if it is possible for an ordinary mother like me to excel at weight loss, great health, and a strong mind, it is absolutely possible for you too!

You are an AMAZING WOMAN, and realizing your true weight loss potential is only a matter of identifying the right strategies, modeling them and adapting them to yourself!  This life changing transformational journey will be an amazing process of self-discovery – a true metamorphosis – of finding out who YOU really are!

What makes me such an expert?

What makes me so certain that YOU can learn theses strategies to become a healthy, fit, slim, sexy mom and chose to live the life of your dreams?

Why should you listen to me?

Well, the reason is that I have accomplished it myself. I am living proof!

I was at the lowest point of my life when I realized that no one was coming to save me, and that if I wanted the life that I deserved and desired, that I would have to take action and responsibility for my own life. So, relying on my degree in sociology, a background in psychology, and an overwhelming desire to learn and grow, I set out to formulate a method and a plan for my life to reprogram my mind; to learn how to conquer my own “Limiting-Belief-Systems”, to reprogram my body; to boost my metabolism; to learn the fastest, safest, and easiest way to transform my physical self.

In my many years of intensive self-study and self-discovery, not only have I become clean and sober (I’ve just celebrated 9 years of sobriety, Yahoo!) but I have also quit smoking, had 2 beautiful children, started two thrilling businesses, and I used these same skills to develop the Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint that helped me lose 113 lbs!

My Family Deserved Better, and So Does Yours

Perhaps you are like me and you’ve wanted to be a mother your whole life – it’s the part of my life that brings me the greatest joy.  So, I decided once and for all…I didn’t want to be the mom who sits on the sidelines watching because she is too out of shape to actually play…I didn’t want to be the mom who’s children’s friends snickered behind their backs because their mom was “fat”…  I didn’t want to cause unnecessary embarrassment for my children because of how I looked…I didn’t want to die an early, preventable death, like my dad did, and my mom almost did, and leave my kids without a mom.  I had discovered a big enough “WHY” of why the lifestyle transformation needed to happen – so I set out on a personal journey of how to create the “HOW”.

If you are anything like me you’ve tried and failed seemingly countless times at dieting.  I have been fighting a weight loss struggle for the last 24 years – since the age of 10.  I even remember Ben Davidson telling me in 3rd grade that I had fat knees.  I know that if you are like me, this struggle has been painful and fraught with disappointment, pain and frustration.  I have literally tried every diet imaginable – from Low-Carb to Low Fat, from the Grapefruit Diet to the Cabbage Soup Diet, from the Green Bean Diet to the Nasty Prepared Food Diet, from the take 2 Green Pills and 4 Blue Pills Diet, to the Starve Yourself and Puke Diet.  And while yes, they all did work in “some” ways – none of them were a lifestyle model that I could follow forever.  I just couldn’t imagine gorging myself on bacon for 5 meals a day forever – or being on a diet where I consumed not much more than alphalpha sprouts and carrots.

…a journal of mine from years earlier where I was documenting my struggles with yet ANOTHER fad diet program.  After reading back through my journal I discovered an important clue.  Many of these “diets” did have some sound nutritional principals – they just weren’t “packaged” together in the right way to create a healthy, livable plan!

So – this is what I did. I made it my mission to use my love for gaining new knowledge and information to create a plan that encompassed ONLY sound wellness principals – something that I could follow every day for the rest of my life.  I filled notebook after notebook on the methods, ideas and practices that were actually “practical”, “working”, and “healthy”.  I took classes on nutrition, psychology, dual-hemispheric integration, even Neuro-Linguistic Programming.  I then took the BEST parts of each method, and I started to use them myself.  When I started on my journey I lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks.  It may not sound like a lot, but it really added up to 4 lbs. a week, which was huge!    It was easily accomplished, and it was effortless to stick to– all the way to a 113 lb. weight loss in just 10 months!!! Oh yeah, did I mention that I ate 5-6 times per day?  No complaints hereJ.  Over the last 2 years I’ve compiled everything I had learned and practiced into the Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint – a system that ANY mom can follow! I did all of the backbreaking, time consuming, sometimes painful research and synthesis of information so that now you don’t have to!

It Finally Happened.  The Blueprint was complete, and I was able to share the rough draft with others.  To my amazement (okay, I knew it would work, but was still thrilled when I saw the actual results) other mothers began following it and having their own successes!  I knew I had finally produced a transformational weight loss model that could work for EVERY MOM!  With my blueprint model complete, not only had I lost 113lbs in 10 Months, I felt and looked FANTASTIC! People didn’t even recognize me in my new body!  I now also had at my disposal the success tools, and actual blueprint, that I could refer back to whenever I needed to get back on track, or when I was having one of those horrible mommy days, or when my weight was up a little.

I had discovered the mental resources to achieve the best possible mindset to help pull me through just about anything, and I new the physiology behind the eating plan that stoked my body’s metabolism to keep it at it’s optimum fat burning mode.   I know how to model these behaviors to show you how easy it is for you to follow!

I had the desire and passion to change

With these three ingredients I not only had the ability to change, I also had the reason to change and I gave myself the opportunity to change.  In the Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint, I can give you the resources you need to develop these 3 ingredients for your own personal change!

My goal with the Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint is to give you the roadmap to weight loss success, to inspire, encourage, motivate, and support you so that you can accomplish the same results that I have!  The best way to achieve what someone else already has is to model their behavior…remember, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel – you don’t even have to test drive it to see if it works – all you have to do is have faith that the wheel is round and will work, and then just follow the clear path that the wheel has created!  Let me be your driver for a while!

Here’s the dirty little secret of the diet industry…

The diet industry relies on your failure (and your cash) for their success.  They truly don’t want you to succeed!  Why?  Because if you succeeded, why would you continue to buy more products/services?  Gyms and Fitness clubs purposefully oversell their memberships KNOWING that people will give up and stop coming but will keep paying their memberships.  If everyone fulfilled on their commitments to work out, the gyms would be PACKED and you’d wait in line forever for a machine!  They DEPEND on your Failure!

In the comprehensive Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint program, you can achieve the stellar results that I did WITHOUT joining a gym or buying dangerous diet pills!  Maybe you are like me and have tried 5, 10, 15 different diet programs only to have the weight return.  I understand this frustration first hand, and there is NOTHING more that I want then to see you succeed and have the same positive experiences that I have had.

Let’s pretend that you are a carpenter.  Your job is to build a dream house.  In order to build this dream house you would first need to design a blueprint for the house you are going to build.  Then you would need to lay a solid foundation for it to sit on, and then after the foundation was laid, you would need a tool belt full of the right tools to ensure the job was done correctly – right?  You couldn’t hammer a nail with a snowball, or tighten a screw with a rabbit.  No one would ever expect you to succeed at building this Dream House with such inadequate tools!  If your tool belt didn’t have the right “tools”, the job would never get done!!!

The same is true with why you haven’t achieved the weight loss success that you’ve always wanted.  You may have some of the right tools, you may even know “how” to lay the right foundation, but without a FULL tool belt to get the job done, your attempts at weight loss may leave your “house” in shambles, causing you to try and rebuild it after each unsuccessful attempt.

The Wisdom Mom Weight Loss Blueprint will give you a tool belt full of “Success Tools” that you can then use for a lifetime, to not only to construct a solid foundation for a healthy lifestyle, but from which to build your “Dream House” – the perfect healthy body where your spirit and soul reside.

It is my MISSION to help moms across the world realize their lifetime goals. Weight Loss and Lifestyle Transformation is just the first step of what I want to offer you in your own personal development.  Once you succeed at weight loss transformation, as a community of like-minded moms, together we will discover and share the BEST knowledge and wisdom that other mothers have to offer.

Or even worse, their health and families suffer from it, and they become even more and more discouraged, scared and resentful as the years go by. The hard work of dieting wasted. So sad because their intentions were so good, and it could have been different IF they had learned a few secrets of success …

The Simple 7 Step Blueprint for Weight Loss Success

I’ve created a “Re-Powering” Belief Model that Tears Down Old “Limiting Belief Systems” or what I refer to as excess L.B.S., and replaces those belief systems with new, “Re-Powering” belief systems that allow you to live your best life yet.

Moms who succeed at weight loss have very strong beliefs in themselves and the possibility of their success. It is these powerful belief systems that allow them to set high goals and to never give up on them.

Many moms never achieve their full potential because of limiting beliefs that

hold them back like ‘I’m not good enough’, ‘I don’t deserve this” or ‘It’s too

Through the Wisdom Mom Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint Program, with the help of other mothers, we have identified and come up with the resources to  eliminate your limiting belief systems “LBS” and adopt new winning models instead!

Here Are Just A FEW of The Things You Will Learn Through The “Losing The L.B.S” – Belief Transformation Model

You will be able to achieve phenomenal weight loss success within a short period of time because you can replicate your behavior after a proven success model!  Remember, I AM NOT a fitness guru, a nutritionist, a psychologist, personal trainer or some Barbie Doll stick figure who has never had a weight loss problem in her whole life (yet feels qualified to talk about it just the same).

I am an Ordinary Mom who has Achieved Extraordinary Weight Loss Results, and I Know How To Teach Them To You!

You can model my behavior because I am just like you!  I understand the challenges, care and concern that are a part of motherhood, and I also understand the heartache, guilt and sometimes even condemnation of being overweight.  I have personally been able to combine the roles of mothering and my own self-care, and have created a program where you can duplicate my success!

By embarking on this journey of transformation you will not only give yourself the opportunity to change, you’ll also be discovering the breakthrough secrets that will shift your mindset and will enable you to finally achieve lasting weight loss success!

Throughout this unique system, I have created several Models and Templates for journaling that will give you the path to create a clear purpose for yourself, discover your inner roadblocks, and set Specific, Meaningful, Measurable Goals for yourself.

If the reason “WHY” is BIG enough, the “HOW” will come naturally.

Moms who succeed at weight loss know that success does not happen by chance but because they have set very specific goals for themselves and have the ability to stay focused on them.  Through multiple layers of a journaling process I will help you discover your inner passion and the driving force for your weight loss success! You will discover your inner “WHY”, which will ultimately lead you to your inner “HOW”.

Your brain is an amazing weight loss tool.  In the Guided Imagery/Visualization Model, I will show you unique ways to get your body to work for itself through a twist on Dual-Hemispheric Integration (getting your logical mind and your emotional mind to work together to “see” the same picture) and Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (a fancy way of saying “re-training” your brain for a positive outcome). I’ve lain out a process of “visualization” and guided imagery which will help you “SEE” the “YOU” you want to become.

The idea behind this weight loss technique is actually quite simple to use. Many of us are very critical of ourselves and we learn to put ourselves down for any real or imagined flaw we might have.  We often times convince ourselves of things that aren’t true and these beliefs become detrimental to our mental wellbeing.  In this Exclusive Blueprint step I will show you how the use the power of positive affirmations to change that negative self-talk (remember the “yappy-dog” I mentioned earlier?) into something more positive and productive, leading to greater weight loss results.

What if I told you that I could teach you how to eat normal every day foods in such a way that it would actually speed up your body’s metabolism, and you would actually be able to eat 5-6 times a day and STILL Lose weight?  I have created a Fully Functional Eating Model based on the principal of Thermogenics that allows you to eat every day foods the right way, while burning fat and calories at the same time!  You are a BUSY mom like I am, so I have created an Eating Plan that is SO simple to use it is Foolproof!  PLUS, it utilizes Your Body’s Own Metabolic Responses To Speed Up Your Weight Loss!

I Have Created an Amazingly Fun and Simple Exercise Transformation Model Where You Will Physically Transform Into THE New You, Regardless of Your Current Physical Health of Ability Level.

How Building a Strong Inner Core of Muscle Also Builds A Strong Inner Core of Self-Belief

In the Self-Esteem Boosting Exercise Transformation I reveal…

Sometimes all we need is just a little “extra” motivation.  You know that losing weight and leading a healthy life will be so great for you and your family, AND I KNOW THAT TOO!!!  That is why I created the “Best Health, Best Life Ever” Contest.

I am totally convinced that it is more important than EVER for you to overcome the weight loss frustrations that I am writing to you about in this letter …regardless of how many times you may have tried and failed in the past, that I have created this contest to ensure your success!

In this fun and exciting Challenge, you will be competing against NO ONE!  Yes, you read that right.  In this contest you won’t be competing against any one except yourself!  This contest isn’t about who can lose the most weight or the most inches – because as women and mothers we all have DIFFERENT weight loss goals and unique reasons for wanting to accomplish a weight loss goal.  You may only have 10 pounds to lose, or you may have well over 100 like I did.  But, regardless of the actual number of pounds you’d like to lose, I am hoping that by entering the contest you will discover how to transform into your best self yet!  This will give you a chance to document and record your goals, challenges, and successes.  It will be a chance for you to reflect back on your special story about previous diet and exercise struggles, and about your success using the Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint Program.  I am hoping that by providing this challenge to you, it will be even MORE motivation for you to succeed!

In addition to losing weight, feeling great, looking fabulous, being healthier and having a renewed spirit about yourself, your success in the Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint Program can provide you with a fantastic reward too!

3 Months of FREE House Cleaning

A Relaxing Day At The Spa

That’s right!  A non-food reward for a job well done!  Take some time off to enjoy your new found energy and not use that energy cleaning house.  Don’t care if the house is a wreck?  Good, then instead choose to treat yourself to a relaxing day all about you at your favorite spa!  This will be an ongoing 12-week challenge, so that it doesn’t matter when you join the program, you will always have a chance to win. One winner will be chosen every 3 months.

>>> Click Here To Unlock Your Weight Loss Blueprint Secrets Now! <<<

What Kind of Future Does YOUR Family Deserve?

I want you to be super successful using Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blue print, so I’m not going to just tell you “how” to do it, I am going to GIVE you all the materials you need to IMPLEMENT the transformation programs you learn! You will be armed with the best I have to offer.

You see, I feel that if I give you incredible value and you actually use the programs, two things will happen:

And that’s what matters. You win. And if you win, Wisdom Moms win!

That’s Why This is Like No Other Weight Loss Program Out There … It is Truly an Exclusive Offer.

As you can see, I’ve worked exceptionally hard to make this transformational program as valuable as possible. I have made the Wisdom Mom Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint Program the most exclusive, easiest to follow, “most likely” to make you witness and maintain weight loss FOREVER program available.

Brace Yourself; I’m About to Get to the Investment. With Everything I’m Handing You, Don’t You Think This Should Be… …“Expensive”?

Of course, expensive is always relative….isn’t it?

But first let me ask you a question. Just based on what you’ve seen so far, what would the information that I share be worth to you?

I Have A Confession To Make

When creating Wisdom Moms Weight-Loss Transformation Blueprint, I had an important decision to make.  Do I take the information that I’ve tried, tested and tweaked to achieve and maintain a 113 lb. weight loss and try and get it out to you quickly so that you can start on your own weight loss transformation, or, do I invest another 6 months or possibly more, making sure that it is “pretty” and error/typo free?  After talking it over with my mom friends, they all agreed that it would be more important to get this information into the hands of other mothers who are struggling with their weight, than it would for it to be “perfect”.  So, while the information contained within the pages of Wisdom Moms Weight-Loss Transformation Blueprint is “perfect” in one sense – tried, tested and true, it is RAW material!  You may find typos and misspellings, grammatical errors, half-paragraphs or even a run on sentence or two.  I think you will forgive me for that though, once you experience the metamorphosis first hand.

>>> Click Here To Unlock Your Weight Loss Blueprint Secrets Now! <<<

My “Imperfection” Is Your Benefit

While the program may not look “pretty”  (I haven’t cluttered the pages with useless graphics, flashy fonts, or pointless “fluff”), I can assure you that the KNOWLEDGE in the Blueprint is sound and if applied, it will lead to your own personal weight loss transformation!  I realize that you are not buying this program for its looks, but rather for its important, life-altering content.

An Opportunity to Put Yourself First-

I know I haven’t met you personally yet, but there are a few things I am sure of about you already.  You are a great mom who is trying to burn the candle at both ends.  You always try to put your family’s needs in front of your own – and you need to figure out a way to commit to your own goals of health and happiness without having the feelings of guilt that sometimes emerge when we do put ourselves first.  I can assure you that if you put your trust in me, and let me guide you through this awesome, mind changing, body transforming process, then any feelings of guilt you may have had will be wiped away when you realize what a huge impact it will have on not only you and your self-esteem – but also what a huge impact it will have on your entire family.

After you enroll in the Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint program, you will become an integral part of a growing foundation of knowledgeable mothers.  As the Wisdom Moms Network Grows, and more and more extraordinary women join the group, we will learn to rely on each other for the “unique” help that we are in need of.  I know that you are in need of my help right now with weight loss, and I am in need of your help right now with honest feedback, so that together we can create a program that is even more valuable!  I am open to any and all suggestions.  The “Wisdom of Crowds” philosophy really works, and with your help we can help even more mothers achieve their goals!

I can make the case that increasing your weight loss success chances from what you learn in this lifestyle plan, you will not only recoup your investment in joy and happiness – but you will recoup your investment in possible downtime in the future – hospital bills, medical expenses, missed work – health related issues.  So actually, don’t think of it as an expense, think of Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint as an Investment into your future!

If anything stops you, if you’re honest, it’s an “I can’t afford it” reaction. And you probably know what I’m going to say about that before I say it:  Putting a value on your health and well-being is an awful decision to have to make.

I want this decision to be a “no-brainer” for you.  I want you to be able to enroll in Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint without having to worry about whether you made a wise investment or not.  I am so confident that this program will change your life forever that I am willing to make it risk-free for you.

>>> Click Here To Unlock Your Weight Loss Blueprint Secrets Now! <<<

I am so certain that this program will work for you that I am backing up Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint with a 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.  The one thing that I believe in above all else is honesty and integrity.  It’s how I’ve lived my life, and how I want to grow this awesome community of Wisdom Moms.  In saying that, I want you to make this investment into your health knowing that I stand behind it 100%.   If you invest in your health by enrolling in my transformational program and try it as prescribed for 60 days and don’t see the results, I will happily and promptly refund your money.  I will also take any comments you have into consideration on how to improve it.

If you plan on losing weight, improving and transforming your life, now or in the future, you really can’t afford to miss this. The investment in Wisdom Mom Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint pales in comparison to the cost of NOT investing.

You May Be Just ONE Great System Or Strategy Away From True Weight Loss Success! One Step Away From a Fit, Sexy Body. Just One Step Away From a Healthy, Transformed Lifestyle.  Just One Skill Away From Emotional Freedom And Control.  What If This Is Your One-Step?

If you see this program as a “fit” for you, I urge you to IMMEDIATELY complete the Wisdom Mom Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint Enrollment Form THIS MINUTE. Introductory Enrollment Price Expires on .

Does this describe you when dieting… “I’ll start it next week” or “After I get through the stress of next month”,  “When we get back from vacation”,  “When the kids are back in school”, “After the Holidays”, “After our anniversary”,  “When I’ve got more money”  “When I’ve got more time”  “After I…When I’ve Got…Then I’ll…Etc., Etc.” – Do you know what you are doing…

You are procrastinagting!!! This is just a quick, but extremely compelling example of what a “limiting belief system” is.  This is one of the biggest lies that we tell to ourselves that impedes our weight loss success!

Believe me, I’ve lived there for a good part of my life – making continuous excuses for why things couldn’t be done today.

Want to know what I did?  At first I was going to wait to start my journey on January 1st (pretty original huh?!).  But then I changed my mind.  I got SO excited at the possibility of true weight loss success that I started my transformation on December 4th.  BEFORE Christmas and our anniversary.  CRAZY!!!  And do you know what – I stuck with it… and while everyone else moaned about the 10-15 lbs. they had gained through the holidays – I had lost 15lbs by January 1st!!!  I have to tell you – I was EXCITED and ready to keep going – I was MOTIVATED!  It was working and it was EASY!

So please do yourself a favor – There will never be an “ideal month” or an “ideal time” to start your weight loss transformation, nor will there a time in your life that will be any less stressful or busy than today.  The BEST time to start is TODAY!

My very good friend and mentor gave me this Japanese Proverb, which I think is absolutely fitting:

So, maybe you have been procrastination like I did – and yes, I wish I has started this years ago – but the day I decided to change my lifestyle forever was one of the best days of my life.

Why would you want to remain overweight until some “future” month or time of year?  Don’t you want results NOW?

If you choose not to begin using this exclusive “lifestyle transformation system” and you keep eating the same meals that you’ve always eaten, and thinking the same thoughts that you’ve always thought….then you’ll be stuck with the SAME BODY that is driving you crazy!

Pull out your calendar and circle today’s date.   Then, count ahead 3 weeks and circle that day too.  There will be a lot of transformation happening in those 3 weeks.  Remember, it only takes 21 days to change a habit!   That day will be coming very fast, so psych yourself up to be slimmer, healthier, and emotionally in control on that day – you will have reason to celebrate!

My True Passion is Your Weight Loss Transformation,

>>> Click Here To Unlock Your Weight Loss Blueprint Secrets Now! <<<

P.S. #2: If you order Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint and Return a Testimonial to me – Regardless of Whether it is Positive or Negative (Though I’m Positive It Will Be Positive) I Will Send You A Free Gift As A Thank You For Helping Me Improve And Make Weight Loss Easier and More Attainable For Other Mothers. Your opinion counts! FREE! No charge. No obligation.  Just My Way to Say Thank You For Your Opinion!

Note:  After you order you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the program IMMEDIATELY to your computer.

The Wisdom Moms Weight Loss Transformation Blueprint is a downloadable eBook program.  No physical products will be shipped.

It is EASY to download, there is NO WAITING, and you can START NOW!

“You amaze me!  I’m the step-mom of two awesome girls, and while I didn’t come into motherhood the same way you did, my life is busy just the same.  You really related to my own weight loss struggles and that is what makes your program so easy for me to follow.  I’m only 4 weeks into it, but I’ve already lost 8 lbs. and there was nothing hard about it.  Actually – I’m feeling really good mentally!”

“Together, with your help over the last 2 years, I’ve lost 85 lbs.  I am so blessed to have survived breast cancer and I want to make sure that I am here to enjoy the full life I still have ahead of me.  Thank you for helping me see that my health was our families number one priority”

“Your Blueprint is so comprehensive – I love that it has so many layers – things that I had never considered before.  I’m the mom of 3, all under 6, and never dreamed I could be back into my pre-pregnancy cloths.  Not only am I back into them – I look and feel better than ever!  Your support and understanding has been unbelievable.”

This Report Is For Personal Use Only.

No part of this report may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission from the author.


This report contains the ideas and opinions of the author. The information contained in this report is strictly for educational purposes only. Before beginning any diet or exercise program you must consult your personal physician.  If you wish to apply the ideas contained in this report, you are taking full responsibility for your actions. The author disclaims any warranties (express or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author shall in no event be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of any of this material, which is provided “as is”, and without warranties.

Today I am working on developing my attitude of gratitude.  So often I find that I get caught up in feeling like there should be some final “destination” – like I am always working towards this “bigger picture” place – and often I forget to live in the moment – and appreciate both the small things and the big things in my life.  It was definitely that way in losing the weight too.  Sometimes I would get so caught up in the BIG number that I needed to lose, that I didn’t give proper credit to and appreciate the ¼ pound here or there – or even being happy just maintaining. In the end though, after losing 113 lbs, I did realize that it all DOES add up to that big number.  So, this is what I would like you to tell yourself – saying it out loud is even more powerful:   Today I acknowledge all the good things in my life.  Today I will appreciate myself.  Today I will accept, respect and admire myself. Today I let go of the criticism and self-abuse.  Today I will appreciate the small steps that I am taking to get myself to that bigger picture place.

“ You are being offered the dream of a lifetime. Say yes!”

Have you ever been offered something, knew in your head that you should accept it, declined it anyway, and then kicked yourself later for letting the opportunity pass you by?  I’ve done it more times that I would like to admit – but I will admit to it – and also admit to the feelings of disappointment and resentment that I hadn’t lept at the opportunity to do something that could change my life.

Wisdom Mom Weight Loss isn’t just about losing the extra pounds.  It is also about losing the excess baggage – the extra “LBS” (Limiting-Belief-Systems) that keep the weight on – or put the weight back on after having lost it!

I am offering you – and really your entire family – the dream of a lifetime – the dream of being healthier, thinner, and more energetic,  – a dream they will not know to thank you for, but a dream that you will thank yourself for – you will fulfill their lives in ways that you can’t imagine.

I got to the point where I was winded climbing a flight of stairs at 258 lbs. – now I find myself climbing glaciers and canyon walls, kayaking white water rivers and .

The Present Is …The Most Powerful Moment

Did you know that the present really is powerful, but we tend to lose that power because we so rarely live in it?!  I love this quote that is attributed to John Lennon – “Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans”.  How true is that for you?

That somewhere between chasing kids and chasing dreams many of us find ourselves either trapped by our past, or imagining how our “future” lives will eventually look.  We tend to think that tomorrow we will be “smarter, more capable, have more money, be more fit”.  We put in more and more time dreaming of a better tomorrow, but not always taking the necessary action to get us there.

If one of your “future” goals is to lose weight and get in shape, stop waiting for that perfect moment – there will never be a perfect moment to lose weight and get in shape – there will always be another holiday around the corner, another year that your kids will grow, another stressor, another “potential” stumbling block to your success.  So, resolve to start your transformation NOW!  There is no better time than the present – don’t let life just happen to you.

Set your intentions, become more aware, and bring yourself into the present moment.  Life is so much richer when you can appreciate being in the moment. So, cut yourself some slack for any past mistakes, get your head out of your dream clouds, make today your reality, and be grateful for all that you have.

Variety is the Spice of Life: A truly maintainable healthy diet should include a combination of quality foods that can provide complete nutrition to you. It should be multi-dimensional. Dieting doesn’t have to equal deprivation! In my quest to lose 113lbs I actually ate 5-6 times a day, didn’t feel hungry or deprived, and had increased energy! I was continually providing my body with the fuel that it needed to run efficiently, and by burning the right “fuel” it was burning the excess fat through a process called thermogenics! When considering making a healthy lifestyle transformation, make sure your plan includes a great variety of healthy fun foods that work in your bodies favor!

That Which Is Measured Improves: A key factor in weight loss success and lifestyle transformation is the ability to set, track and record your goals. I realize you are a busy mom and might feel like you don’t have time for all that “recording”, but you will be amazed at how much you can lose if the ONLY adjustment you made in your whole life was to just become accountable for your habits! Once you start recording your lifestyle behaviors (emotional, exercise, and eating) you can really look back and be reflective and make adjustments where you need to.

Don’t Downplay Your Emotions: Your emotions play a HUGE role in your ability to lose weight successfully. I identified a system for losing the “LBS”, or what I refer to as Limiting-Belief-Systems, by recognizing the “emotional” eating aspect of weight loss. You can teach yourself how to put a muzzle on your internal “Yappy-Dog”, your “Self-Critic” and watch your weight loss results soar, just by being aware of the emotions you have surrounding eating and food!  Best of luck on your journey this week – and I’ll catch up with you again next week!

Transition Yourself Into a Healthy Lifestyle: I know you have good intentions about starting to lead a healthier lifestyle, and I’m proud of you! But if you’ve never run a day in your life, and wake up first thing this morning committed to running 5 miles, you are setting yourself up for failure! Don’t expect your body to do what it has never been programmed to do! It is not only okay to ease into a lifestyle transformation, it is actually recommended! If you can start to set reasonable, daily, achievable goals for yourself, before you know it, you will have created NEW healthy habit patterns and you will actually be running those miles no problem!

Ask your own body for advice

Are you aware of your body’s wisdom? As mothers we are famous for our “mother’s intuition” – that little voice inside of each of us that gives us that “gut” feeling about a given situation.  Our bodies usually know us better than our minds do. If you have a decision to make, ANY decision to make, first consult your body before making a final choice.  Pay attention to how your body reacts.  Are you breathing normally, deeply, shallowly…not at all?  Are your muscles tensed or relaxed?  It really isn’t natural for your breathing to be normal and your muscles to be relaxed if there is a disturbance in your body.

Trust your body and trust your own internal wisdom.  When it comes to weight loss and being healthy, remember that your body is your compass, and while it can try and steer you wrong, if you really listen to it, it can also steer you in the right direction – towards a life of vitality, enthusiasm, motivation, and inspiration.  Trust your body as you are venturing into this transformation.

“The body has its own way of knowing, a knowing that has little to do with logic, and much to do with truth, little to do with control, and much to do with acceptance, little to do with division and analysis, and much to do with union.”

Awareness truly is the key to all change. Learn to develop self trust and you will uncover a beautiful new dimensions of who you really are.

Life is all about choices – but it is also about taking chances.  Wisdom Moms come in all ages and from every walk of life. So, what do we all have in common? We are all extraordinary women who have taken chances and made choices about the commitments we’ve been willing to take regarding the health and well-being of our families and ourselves.  There are many moms out there, perhaps even you, who have suffered from the loss of loved ones due to health related reasons, or if you haven’t suffered from it, you sure have worried about it.  I lost my dad to a heart attack at the age of 57, and my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 59.  Both were unhealthy eaters and had unfortunately fostered those same “eating systems” in my sister and myself.  I’m not saying I am guaranteeing that I won’t suffer the same outcome, yet, I’ve made the conscious choice to do whatever is in my power to assure that my children don’t suffer the same fate needlessly.

I’ve started and failed more diets than you can imagine, (maybe you are with me on this one and CAN imagine) and it wasn’t until I realized that it was about MORE than just what I put in my body, but also about what I put in my mind!  Finally, that magical key to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle was turned and I GOT IT!  It was about the “Limiting-Belief-Systems” I had held for so long  – the excess “LBS” – that kept me from reaching that goal!  I can teach you the  secrets for losing those “LBS”!

Remember, the only person whose behavior you can control is our own.  You may have failed in the past, maybe multiple times like I did, but you weren’t working with all of the right tools!  So, use your great judgement and become a Wisdom Mom today!  Remember, take the chance while you still have the choice!

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