Weightloss Tips

New Year Resolution #1 – Say Good Bye to Dieting! (part 1)

How often have you had the New Year’s Resolution of losing weight or getting into shape? How often is it abandoned after a month or even a couple of weeks? We may start with the best of intentions for our New Year’s resolutions and truly believe we are out to accomplish them. Yet, we find ourselves anywhere from a couple of weeks to the end of December frustrated and plagued with guilt for not maintaining the resolution.

But why then do we recommit ourselves to something we are not too inspired to do for the following year? Can you see the vicious cycle? I am ditching the New Year’s Resolution and I want to invite you to do the same. I’m not saying I want you to enter the New Year without new goals and possibilities, but perhaps shift your way of thinking from a seasonal attempt to a new way of being.

We first need to have a slightly rigorous conversation with ourselves and become clear on our past, present, and future. Increasing self-awareness and knowing how you tick is key!

The first question to ask yourself is; Where have I been and where am I going? Make a list of your accomplishments in 2009. Start by looking at what worked for you and the things you are grateful for. You need to keep track of your accomplishments because they are motivating factors to keep moving you forward. It also provides an opportunity to see what works and what behaviors or techniques that keep everything working smoothly. Make a list of things you will like to accomplish in 2010.

This gives you the vision of what you want to create for yourself and your life. Make sure these are commitments that you want to integrate into your life for the years to come. Use 2010 to work this new muscle and truly establish it in your life.

Next, we need to define goals. A great way to think about a goal is that it should be something you do. Weight loss should never be a goal. You can’t do weight loss. We often become frustrated with ourselves when we don’t achieve our ‘goal’ of weight loss and internalize it and wonder “what did I do wrong”. Weight loss is a result of a goal. Eating healthy and exercising is a goals.

By achieving these goals you will likely lose weight as a result of them. Shifting your frame of mind in this area eases a lot of the stress and anxiety and allows the focus to be put back onto healthy habits and not weight loss.

Remember to be realistic! Realistic means it is possible, meaning you will do it! Exercising and cooking healthy meals every day sounds great and maybe technically be doable for some people, but is it for you? Be honest with yourself, what are you able to do at this moment? Start with something you know you can do and will be able to build off of.

You may have the long-term goal of exercising and healthy cooking every day but starting with once a week may be more realistic. Setting achievable goals is not ‘playing it safe’. It allows you to stay motivated and it builds confidence. In turn, you are then driven to continue to make new, more challenging goals, which aids in achieving your big long-term goal.

Lastly, map it out! Plan your work and work your plan. If you fail to plan, then plan to fail! The key to success is holding yourself accountable. Invest in a planner and plan out your goals. Be specific and write down what exercise you will do on those days and at what time. Think of it as an appointment for yourself and your health. Don’t give in to the “I’ll do it tomorrow”.

Keeping yourself on track is one thing, but you may need others for support. Find and surround yourself with people who will keep you on track. Having a weekly call with a coach or even a friend is great for keeping you motivated and inspired. Speaking it out loud to others is like a declaration, it makes it real and possible and gives you something to live into.

Now, this is key: think about how you tend to get sabotaged (whether it is by others or yourself). Plan how to avoid and get around these obstacles. Don’t fall into the same traps that occur year after year….call yourself out!

Source by Lea Crosetti

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