Officer Pulls Mom Over For Driving 5 MPH Over The Limit, Discovers Who She Is
A Hard Day
At work, Lashonda received a call from Ana’s principal. In the past week, her daughter had complained of sharp abdominal pains.
A quick glance at her and the school nurse urgently called an ambulance.
By the time the call ended, Lashonda had already gotten onto the road. It was of utmost importance for her to reach her daughter.
Seven Days Of Agony
A week of sleepless nights and restless days followed.
Regardless of the fact that Ana was diagnosed with mild kidney failure, the hospital assured Lashonda that they would be able to help her recover.
Her faith in them was unshakeable. After all, they were doctors, and she needed all the hope she could get. The pain she felt when she heard about her daughter’s condition worsening can be only imagined.
A cold evening had just drawn to a close, and Lashonda had just arrived home from work.
In an extreme effort to reach the hospital as quickly as possible, she jumped into her car and bolted off.
Tears filled her eyes as she sped through the evening traffic to reach her daughter. However, she neglected to pay attention to her speedometer due to the extraordinary circumstances.
Barely Over
When she finally heard the sirens, it was far too late. While driving 65 mph down a 60-mile highway, she knew the officer wouldn’t let her off with a slap on the wrist.
As she anxiously waited for the officer, she wondered whether he’d stopped her because she was speeding or because of her past.
Driving 5 mph over the speed limit surely can’t be the cause of all this. Her only wish would be to know the truth.
License And Registration
It didn’t take long for the officer to knock on Lashonda’s back window. As he approached her front door, he demanded her papers.
The moment she coyly handed them over, her heart began pounding. The deals she’d made in the past had been supposed to give her a fresh start.
Could someone have leaked information about her that put her in trouble?
Nowhere To Hide
Her entire life, Lashonda had been running from the past; there was nothing she hated more than that saying. She made the right decision to move to North Carolina. But suddenly, all this had transpired.
When she realized the officer was taking his time with her papers, she timidly questioned, “Is there a problem?”.
Taking one last look at the documents, he sharply turned to her. Everything would be clear once he said these simple words.
“Ma’am, do you know why I pulled you over?” he asked, and Lashonda’s breath hitched.
“I was hoping you could tell me,” she said, wiping her eyes again to appear more presentable.
“You were overspeeding, ma’am,” the officer said. He finally noticed the tears in Lashonda’s eyes because he asked her to step out of the vehicle.
On Guard
Normally, Lashonda wouldn’t have minded getting out of her car. But today wasn’t a good day for her.
Apart from her need to be beside Ana, she noticed something was off about the officer. He seemed on edge, constantly looking over his shoulder.
A crippling worry washed over her, different from the one that had taken her when she got the call about Ana’s condition. The last time she’d felt this worry was when she was still in her old life. She needed to be on her guard and fast.
A Drug Test
“I’m going to need you to take a random drug test,” said the officer with his gaze glued on Lashonda’s documents. “Why?” she asked. “I haven’t been drinking.”
She explained her situation, revealing that her daughter was in the hospital and she needed to get to her.
She apologized for speeding, hoping the officer would let her go with a warning – if he was truly an officer. But he still cited her regardless.
A Ticket
Lashonda pleaded with him, asking him to let her go with a warning. She couldn’t afford to have a ticket. Not with how much she was putting into Ana’s medication. But the officer was adamant.
“I’m just doing my job,” said the officer. “I can’t let anyone break the law.”
He had Lashonda blow into a breathalyzer to prove she wasn’t drunk before letting her go. But the damage was already done.
It’s Not Over
Lashonda drove to the hospital with trembling hands. She ground her molars throughout the trip, wondering why the officer was inconsiderate. She thought about stepping back into her old ways. She’d been a formidable force once.
But wasn’t the officer just doing his job? With tears in her eyes, she drove to the hospital. Although she couldn’t see the cruiser in her rearview mirror anymore, something told her she hadn’t seen the last of that officer.
Disclaimer: To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.