People Offended By The Haircut White Mom Gave Her Daughter
Something Was Wrong
Internet Matters
When the first words came out of her mother-in-law’s mouth, there was nothing in the world that could have prepared Issy for that.
At first, she thought that something concerning or alarming had happened. But when she heard what her mother-in-law had to say, she couldn’t help but feel bewildered. This is how she recounted it on her Reddit post:
Mother-In-Law’s Words
“In front of everyone, she basically told me that I needed to undo my daughter’s braids because it was offensive and upsetting to her. She said she hadn’t taught me to braid for me to give her culture away to a white child and asked how I thought it was appropriate.”
“She told me that I needed to teach Rachel now what was and was not appropriate and that when Nia grew up, she wouldn’t have a sense of culture because she had to share it.” And that wasn’t all.
She Threatened Her
Issy’s mother-in-law also threatened her with some consequences if she didn’t do what she told her. In Issy’s own words, “she told me if I didn’t fix Rachel’s hair, she’d leave and not ever come back.”
The first person Issy told about the issue was her own husband, her mother-in-law’s son. He thought her mother was blowing things out of proportion, but he suggested changing Rachel’s hairstyle to avoid conflict. Then, Issy went on Reddit and asked people for their opinions. ANd this is what they said:
Second Opinion
“These are kids with no concept of appropriation or hatred. Your MIL is the one who is trying to introduce that to them before the world even has a chance to harden their hearts. Intent is everything, and there’s no malice here to poison said intent,” said one user.
“They’re children. It’s hair. Your MIL was the AH & should apologize. Honestly, I would be leery to have her around my children for fear she would treat them differently,” said another. However, other users were siding with Issy’s mother-in-law.
So What Happened?
As of today, we don’t know if Issy and her mother-in-law have reached an agreement about the issue. But according to Issy, “She has been causing a fuss since then. Also, my husband and some of my in-laws have been after me for making her leave our dinner.”
Hopefully, they will end up getting over this conflict and reconciling. But what do you think about it? Do you think Issy is in the right here, or does her mother-in-law have a point?