Reasons Why Pizza Places Stopped Delivering To Clients
Snarling Rottweiler
I delivered pizza in New Jersey; I saw a snarling Rottweiler behind the door on the porch. The lady pushed him back. We did the pizza transaction, and as I turned to go, the lady said, ‘Oh my god, he’s out….’ The back door was open, and the dog was charging around the house, about to come on the porch.
The dog bites my calf because I can only close the screen door so much, there is not much damage, but I’m bleeding. The manager goes to talk with the lady, and the Rottweilers are penned up. As soon as the lady starts talking to him, another small mutt dog zips out the door and bites him on the hand; He made the call on no more pizza for them.
Story Source: Reddit/[Deleted]