Weightloss Pictures

M/32/6’3″ [205lbs. > 180 lbs. = 25 lbs.] (6 months) Swimming, Cycling and strength training. Working hard to shred the Dad Bod. Goal is a 320w FTP, currently 271.

M/32/6’3″ [205lbs. > 180 lbs. = 25 lbs.] (6 months) Swimming, Cycling and strength training. Working hard to shred the Dad Bod. Goal is a 320w FTP, currently 271.

M/32/6’3″ [205lbs. > 180 lbs. = 25 lbs.] (6 months) Swimming, Cycling and strength training. Working hard to shred the Dad Bod. Goal is a 320w FTP, currently 271.

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