Weightloss Pictures

M/40/6’3” [556 > 309 = 247] – 22 months. More than Numbers: A Story of Rebirth and the Giant Within Us All.

M/40/6’3” [556 > 309 = 247] – 22 months. More than Numbers: A Story of Rebirth and the Giant Within Us All.

I must honor my steadfast partner in this journey, my service dog Kaia. The advent of PTSD cast a shadow over my life, plunging everything into darkness. When Kaia entered my life, she brought light with her. For four years, she offered me unconditional love until I learned to love myself once more. She has been my constant companion through countless episodes and flashbacks, making every effort to help me navigate this challenge. I believe she was a gift from above, a belief underscored by my conviction that every animal carries a divine spark.

We've shared seven incredible years, and as she approaches retirement, she will continue to be a cherished and spoiled member of my family.

My journey to reclaim my mental and physical health involved deep introspection and relentless self-improvement, including hypnosis, therapy, voracious reading, positive affirmations, and self-dialogue in the mirror. I studied the brain's ability to form, connect, and break habits, employing cognitive behavioral techniques to shed detrimental old habits.

When doctors recommended weight loss surgery and friends and family echoed the suggestion, it ignited a fire within me. Despite the massive weight gain and struggles with an eating disorder that followed my PTSD, I knew I had the capability to overcome without surgical intervention. This realization sparked a fierce determination not just to fight but to win this battle on my terms.

I dedicated myself first to a mental overhaul—immersing in knowledge and preparing psychologically—before taking on the physical challenge. I started small, with living room workouts and tracking calories using the LoseIt app. What began with simple exercises has evolved into a comprehensive fitness regime.

I share this not just to recount my transformation, but to emphasize the crucial mental resilience needed for profound, lasting change—a facet often overlooked.

Today, it fills me with immense joy to inspire and support others on their journeys. I’m here, an open book, ready to lend support and share the wisdom I've gained.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. 🐕‍🦺

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