Weightloss Pictures

M/27/5’9 [367lbs > 165lbs] (6yrs) weight loss face progress

M/27/5’9 [367lbs > 165lbs] (6yrs) weight loss face progress

Face progress. I’m gonna do a physique one soon, im around 16%bf currently, cutting down to 12% and starting a leanbulk. ive lost a total of 322lbs, i gained more than 100lbs back during this process lol. If you would like info on how I got here I can provide details.

Also i want to mention since it took so long my loose skin isnt that bad, it just looks like i have a little tummy when i should have some abs by now. I wont look perfect at my goal leanness but im fine with that. im heavily tattooed ill get some cool blackout work where I need to. embrace the skinwalker vibe

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