Weightloss Tips

Six Pack – A Secret Diet Plan

One vital aspect of developing a six pack is to make and maintain a diet plan. While dieting is often misinterpreted with cutting down on your food intake, a perfect six pack requires a planned and precise diet. Hence, even before you go overboard with diets, you need to learn the perfect diet plan which works wonders for a six pack. Let us now discuss the secret in detail.

Steer Clear From Canned Food

All those who care to get a six pack need to learn that they have to steer clear from canned substances. Canned food substances are undoubtedly very alluring and seem to be a perfect solution to our everyday food problems. But the truth is far from that and we need to steer clear of such substances. Canned foods have a lot of calories, additives, artificial flavors and acid regulators that can hamper the overall development of our abdominal muscle.

Let Go Of Power Diets

At times, in a bid to get to the end real fast, we tend to use unfair means. One such unfair means while developing a suitable pair of abs is “power foods”. Often nicknamed low fat and moderate carbohydrate diets, this kind of meal plan is often considered best to be ‘thrown in the trash can’. Power foods may have a permanent result but in the longer run, they would simply ruin your internal health. Hence, let them be.

Adopt A Healthy Intake

Fresh food and vegetables are often considered an essential part of your everyday routine and if you feel the need to associate yourself with a suitable dieting plan, you need to include them in your daily diet. Soon, you would notice a great change in your abdominal development. Therefore, it pays to stick to a fresh and health diet.

Start Drinking Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is a spice that is capable of firing-up a slow metabolism. This ancient Indian spice has been used by men and women across the globe to reduce body fat and improve metabolism. Preparing this tea is not at all a daunting task.

All you need to do is take a small piece of cinnamon stick (approximately 2mm in diameter) and beat it to a fine powder. Mix this to a cup of boiling water and continue boiling the liquid for a period of 5 minutes. When it is reduced to half the original quantity, pour it in a cup and allow it to cool. Mix a spoon of wild honey and drink it each morning.

Avoid Drinking Water While Consuming Food

Most of you out there have an uncanny habit of sipping water with your food. In simpler words, you chew food and take a sip of water to slosh the gooey stuff down your throat. You think this is the best way to eat food.

Well, you are wrong. When you club water with food, you end up jeopardizing your natural digestive process. This in turn implies that the food you eat remains undigested and clogs your colon. The result of this unfortunate episode is unwanted weight gain that is tough to eliminate

Source by Mark M Morris

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